Terms of Reference (TOR) for Consultant: Training of Childline staff and Lifeline Counsellors on Suicide Prevention.

Job Description

Context and scope of the assignment
Annually 700,000 people die from suicide, and for every death, it’s estimated there are 20 attempts globally. With the right support, suicide can be prevented – through raising awareness, learning the warning signs, encouraging help seeking and committing to social and legal change. Crisis lines are a proven community-based suicide prevention resource and over 200 LifeLine Centres operated by 27 Members in 23 countries have since been established. Childline Zimbabwe recently launched a Lifeline/crisis line to offer suicide prevention support to children in Zimbabwe through the freephone 116. The 24-hour Helpline/Lifeline provides 24-hour information and services related to suicide and mental health.
Childline is seeking services of a consultant to lead a comprehensive two-day training designed to enhance the proficiency of Childline's team and Lifeline counsellors to provide quality suicide prevention support, knowledge necessary for them to offer support and create awareness on suicide. This training initiative aligns seamlessly with our strategic pillar, building resilience in children and people. By enhancing our skills in these critical areas, we aim to further our commitment to safeguarding the well-being of children and youth, ensuring that our efforts remain in line with Childline's project outputs and overarching mission.

Duties and Responsibilities

The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:
a. Customized Suicide Prevention Training Program: Our objective is to craft a specialized training program focused on how the Childline staff can raise awareness on suicide prevention and offer support to children and young people with suicidal ideations. The training content has to be tailored to the local context while harmonizing with the international and regional initiatives.

b. Comprehensive MHPSS Coverage: The training must address the key aspects of MHPSS related to suicide and extend its scope to include Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for children and young people.

3. Deliverables:
I. A detailed training program, training materials, presentations, and handouts.
II. Two -day physical training in Harare tentatively on the 19th -20th of February 2024.
III. Training report

Qualifications and Experience

The consultant should possess the following qualifications and experience:
a. At least a Master’s Degree in Psychology, Social Science or relevant field
b. Demonstrated expertise in and psychosocial support training, particularly in the field of Mental Health, death and dying and suicide prevention.
c. Experience working with organizations in, child protection, adolescent mental health, youth programming services sector is an advantage.
d. Excellent communication, writing skills and ability to convey technical and complex information in a simple, clear and concise manner for different audience.
All proposals submitted will be assessed against the following:
• Qualifications
• Relevant Experience and costing of the assignment.
• Independence of consultancy (consultants are not employed by Childline Zimbabwe or KNH).
NB: should you require any additional information before submission, kindly email your questions to [email protected]

How to Apply

7. Application Process:
Interested applicants should provide a proposal covering the following aspects:
 An expression of interest.
 A detailed technical proposal clearly demonstrating a thorough understanding of this ToR and including the following:
• Demonstrated previous experience in coordinating and administering trainings of a similar nature.
• Proposed detailed training plan.
• Financial proposal for the assignment
• Team composition and level of effort of each proposed team member, if applicable.
• Previous experience/mandates similar in nature including type of study, sector, organization.
 Curriculum Vitae(s) of all proposed team members outlining relevant experience.
 At least three contactable references of recent work conducted.

Applications should be addressed to [email protected], copy [email protected] and [email protected] the reference should be clearly listed as Training of Childline staff on Suicide Prevention and Management. Application deadline 8 January 2024

Childline Zimbabwe has in place a Child and Youth Safeguarding Policy and a Confidentiality Statement which the Consultant will be expected to sign and will be bound by it thereafter. The intended recipients of the information are Lifeline International and Childline Zimbabwe. Failure to adhere to the provisions of the Confidentiality Statement may result in cancellation of the contract.

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Location: Harare
Company: Childline Zimbabwe ~~ 0
Expiry Date: 2024-02-12 00:00:00