Terms of Reference Short-term Consultant Services for Zimbabwe Demonstrating the Need for International Finance by Showcasing Conservation Projects Ready for Investment

Job Description

The Ministerial Alliance for Ambition on Nature Finance (MAANF) is working to publicly champion the importance of fully achieving the nature finance targets that the world agreed to in December 2022 in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KM-GBF), with an emphasis on the commitment from developed countries to contribute at least $20 billion per year to developing countries by 2025. A number of governments, international entities and the CBD are discussing resource mobilization, but, currently, there are no clear public plans for how to deliver adequate international biodiversity finance for nature to developing countries.
One of the arguments that donor countries make against increasing international nature finance is that there are not enough conservation, restoration or other biodiversity related projects ready for investment. To address this gap, the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) in partnership with Campaign for Nature (CfN) are undertaking a study to identify and profile investment-ready projects, from developing countries, that contribute towards the KM-GBF. The goal of the study is to outline projects in Global South countries that are ready for financial support, hence potentially increasing awareness and support for specific projects.
The study report will highlight the progress Global South countries are making to increase domestic finances to implement the KM-GBF, which will help demonstrate the need for all countries to increase resources and further pressure the Global North to follow through on their commitments to do so.
It is under this backdrop that AWF is seeking the services of a short-term consultant to assist in undertaking the study. The consultant will be based in Harare. Below are the scope of assignment, expected deliverables, and qualifications of the consultant.

Duties and Responsibilities

Scope of the assignment
The consultant will work under the guidance of the Policy Officer to undertake the study based on 12 African countries and one pacific island country. The assignment for the consultant will include the following:
1. A desktop assessment of the progress that selected developing countries are making towards meeting Targets 2 and 3 of the GBF. This will include gathering data from 2020 through 2024 On:

a. Percentage of land under Protected and Conserved Area (PCA) and OECM management
b. Percentage of KBAs under PCA and OECM management in the country
c. Percentage of IBAs under PCA and OECM management in the country
d. Percentage of land under restoration or a summary of restoration projects
e. Country level BIOFIN assessments, where applicable
f. Projects listed ready for investment (these are costed) under country level NBSAPs or other national priority plans. The investment-ready projects should be such that they:
i. Increase conservation;
ii. Enhance biodiversity ecosystem functions and services; ili. Enhance ecological integrity and connectivity;
iv. Improve management and enhance fair and equitable governance;
v. Provide capacity building; vi. Focus on ecological restoration;
vii. Support indigenous/traditional knowledge systems (IKS/TKS); and vili. Assess ecosystems.
2. Assist in conducting virtual interviews with relevant ministries of countries to review and verify data regarding projects ready for investment and see if there are any additional projects to include.
3. Quantify the amount of financial resources that selected countries have committed to the implementation of Targets 2 and 3 of the GBF. This includes:
a. identifying percentage of GDP that governments are spending on biodiversity;
b. determining percentage of domestic and external resources and sources contributing to biodiversity conservation; and
c. recording new actions countries have taken to increase domestic financial resources for biodiversity conservation.
4. Assist in organizing the study, assessing the importance of projects, conducting financial data analysis, and developing final report.
Duty Station
The short-term consultant will be based in Harare, Zimbabwe

The following deliverables are expected:
• Desktop assessment of project readiness including the above elements;
• Assist in analysing data on the financial resources that countries have committed to the implementation of Targets 2 and 3 of the GBF; and
• Assist in conducting interviews with 4-6 countries, and provide a report on findings;
• Contribute to developing the final report.

Qualifications and Experience

The short-term consultant is expected to start on the 19th of July 2024 and complete the assignment by 15th of October 2024.
Qualifications and experience
The short-term consultant should have the following qualifications and experience:
• Recently completed their Degree in Environmental Economics, Public Finance or any other relevant degree or combination of degrees that include elements of environment and economics or finance;
• Strong research and analytical skills;
• Ability to write clearly and concisely;
• Familiarity with environmental policy issues in Africa;
• Experience working on policy issues (through volunteer work, coursework, attachment, etc.);
• Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, particularly Word and Excel;
• Strong work ethic and ability to work independently;
• Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail; and
• Ability to prioritize multiple tasks and meet deadlines.

How to Apply

How to apply
Send your CV and proposal articulating your understanding of the ToRs, a motivation letter and a budget. Apply by close of business on Wednesday 17*h July 2024. Send your application to [email protected], copy [email protected].

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Location: Harare
Company: African Wildlife Foundation ( AWF)
Expiry Date: 2024-07-17 00:00:00