Terms Of Reference : Recruitment of a short-term Individual Consultant to Document mining practises at Bikita Minerals

Job Description

The Centre for Natural Resource Governance is looking for a qualified professional documentary maker to produce a brief, 10–20-minute video documentary. The documentary must pay attention to the following issues relating to Bikita Minerals, also known as Sinomine:
1. Reflect on realities and vulnerability of rural communities to extractive industries
in the Bikita area.
2. Showcase the extent of environmental, social and economic injustices being
perpetrated by Bikita Minerals.
3. Bring out the grievances of workers at Bikita Minerals
4. Collect community voices and perspectives on lithium as a critical mineral.
5. Enable surrounding communities to speak on environmental and human rights
issues they are facing owing to lithium mining in Bikita.
Terms Of Reference (ToR)
General Information
Services/Work Description: Recruitment of a short-term Individual Consultant to Document mining practises at Bikita Minerals
Contract Type: Individual Consultancy
Duty station/Location: Bikita Minerals
Duration: 15 working days
Expected Start Date: Upon signing of contract.
About The Centre for Natural Resource Governance Centre for Natural Resource Governance (CNRG) is a research and advocacy civil society organization, working in Zimbabwe to promote citizen participation and good governance of natural resources for the ultimate benefit of communities that live in resource-rich areas.
We believe in enabling individuals and communities as active citizens and leaders, with the agency to design the now and the future they want to live in – the now and the future that respects, protects, and nurtures the environment.
We believe that social justice and dignity are the bedrock of sustainable social and economic development, that is human-oriented and pro-poor. In order to realize justice in the extractives and natural resource sector and to promote dignity of communities affected by extractive activities, we believe there is need for us to build the capacity of such communities to hold the state and corporates accountable. Empowering them to voice their concerns, make decisions regarding their natural resource’s extraction, and demand benefits (local content) that accrue from their natural resource exploitation. In the Zimbabwean context, we view research as a tool that informs advocacy for state responsiveness, compliance, and policy change for the betterment of local communities' welfare.

Bikita Minerals is a lithium mining company located in Zimbabwe. There have been concerns raised about corrupt activities, environmental crimes and human rights abuses associated with the operations of Bikita Minerals.
1. Water contamination: The mining operations of Bikita Minerals have led to the
contamination of nearby water sources. The company uses chemicals such as sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid in the extraction process, which potentially pollutes rivers and groundwater sources. This poses a significant threat to the surrounding ecosystems and the health of local communities that rely on these water sources for drinking and agriculture.
2. Deforestation: The extraction of lithium involves clearing vegetation and destroying natural habitats to access mineral deposits. This has led to significant deforestation in the area
surrounding the mining site. The loss of forests not only disrupts the local ecosystems but also contributes to climate change by reducing carbon dioxide absorption and greenhouse gas mitigation.
3. Soil degradation: The mining activities carried out by Bikita Minerals have resulted in soil degradation and erosion in the surrounding areas. The removal of topsoil during extraction and the improper disposal of mine wastes have degraded the quality of the soil, making it unsuitable for agriculture and affecting the livelihoods of local communities.
4. Air pollution: The dust and fumes generated during the mining and processing of lithium can cause air pollution in the vicinity of the mining site. This can have adverse health effects on local communities, especially those living in close proximity to the mine. Inhalation of fine particles can lead to respiratory problems and other long-term health issues.
5. Lack of community involvement: There have been concerns over the lack of meaningful consultation and participation of local communities in decision-making processes regarding mining activities. This lack of engagement with affected communities undermines their rights to information, participation, and decision-making regarding a project that directly impacts their environment and well-being.
6. Human Rights Abuses – A report was received in April pertaining to the fatal shooting of an artisanal miner by a Bikita Minerals security guard. There is need to investigate the case and get comments from the family and community
7. Labour rights: Bikita Minerals has been accused of unfair labor practices – poor
remuneration, short mining contracts and unfair dismissals. There is need to investigate and verify these claims
These environmental injustices associated with Bikita Minerals' operations highlight the need for stricter regulations and stronger accountability mechanisms to ensure that mining activities are carried out in an environmentally sustainable and socially just manner.

Duties and Responsibilities

Objective of the Consultancy
The purpose of this consultancy assignment is to develop a 10-20 documentary video
highlighting possible labour, human rights and environmental degradation being caused by the Operations of Bikita Minerals. The documentary will be used to raise awareness and inform advocacy on key issues relating to Mining of critical minerals and community well-being. The documentary should identify and provide a concise explanation, present evidence, and
insights, and ask questions that would assist policymakers in determining future approaches to address challenges associated with mining.
In order to protect local residents' livelihoods, CNRG will chronicle the most significant environmental injustices in and near the areas where Bikita Minerals operates.

Qualifications and Experience

Key Deliverables
The interested candidates should propose and outline a detailed work plan indicating the processes to be taken in pursuit of the task. The work plan will allow CNRG to follow through the plan and work being done by the consultant.
A completed 10-20-minute video documentary with English subtitles showing challenges, successes, and future endeavours for the interviewed person.
Primary expertise required: Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements
• Experience in video documentary production a must with at least a higher National Diploma in Video Production or related program
• Ability to work independently and organise meetings.
• Good understanding of mining impacts on communities.
• Strong research and excellent writing skills in English
• Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure. Institutional arrangements
The following institutional arrangements will apply:
− The service provider will have a contract with CNRG, and payment will be made as per
the signed contract between the service provider and CNRG.
− The service provider will be supervised by the CNRG Comms Focal Person.

How to Apply

How to Apply?
Interested candidates should submit the following:
1. Expression of interest to take up the assignment - separate technical & financial
proposals (INVOICE plus a Tax Clearance Certificate)
2. Company Profile.
Please send the above-mentioned requirements by email to [email protected] Please
ensure your email subject clearly reads the topic applied for.
Deadline for submission of the Application is 14 FEBRUARY 2024

Centre for Natural Resource Governance CNRG logo

Location: Harare
Company: Centre for Natural Resource Governance CNRG
Expiry Date: 2024-02-14 00:00:00