Terms of Reference of the Finance Procurement and asset Policy Review TOR NFNV Finance, Procurement and Assets

Job Description

Introduction: New Faces New Voices Zimbabwe Trust (NFNV) is a Pan-African Network of
Women in Finance under the Graca Machel Trust (GMT) based in South Africa. NFNV
Zimbabwe registered locally in 2016, is amongst 16 African Chapters. NFNV specific
objectives are: -
i) Increase women’s access to finance and financial services,
ii) ii) Increase the capacity and skills of women to access finance as consumers and entrepreneurs and
iii) iii) Increase the number, visibility and influence of women’s leadership in the financial sector.
1. Background
NFNV Zimbabwe established in 2014 and registered in 2016 by a local board of trustees. The
trustees appoint board of directors. NFNV Zimbabwe would like to request for proposals for
the services of consultant/s able to facilitate the review and update of the NFNV Finance, Procurement and Asset Management Policy.
2. Scope of Services Required by NFNV Zimbabwe
The Consultant shall review the current Finance, Procurement, and Asset Policy of the Trust,
in accordance with the standard operating procedures of the Trust. The aim of this exercise is
to revise and update the existing policy to ensure that the organization improves operational
efficiency and effectiveness contributing towards appropriate internal controls, transparency
and accountability to program participants, donor, and stakeholders. Make current based on
industry standards and practices.
3. Objectives and Tasks to be carried out by the Consultant.
1. To undertake review of NFNV Zimbabwe’s existing financial management manual, control systems and processes.
2. To advise the management of NFNV Zimbabwe of any identified gaps, update and revise the policy.
3. To strengthen both financial and management control systems of the Trust. Tasks Based on industry standards and practices the potential tasks/assignments to be performed by the selected consultant are listed below.
1. To analyze the accounting and financial management requirements of the NFNV Zimbabwe, revise, update and develop financial manual to ensure proper processing, accounting, management and reporting of funds and transactions with improved internal controls to ensure accountability to stakeholders and donors.
2. To review the existing policy in line with the International Accounting standards (IAS) and generally accepted accounting standards (GAAS). The revised policy should also match with the provisions of the current country’s fiscal and monetary policy and Finance Act.
3. To revise, develop and design user-friendly Finance Procurement and asset related forms, templates, and procedures, to meet the needs of NFNV Zimbabwe.
4. To enhance the current Finance Procurement and at a minimum, include consistent and uniform procurement, accounting policies, accounting of transactions with adequate controls, provide guidance on the delegation and segregation of duties, the payment system, cash and bank management, documentation requirements for payment and expenses, asset management, payroll process, security for cash management.
5. To review and update the Asset Management Policy, paying attention to the asset procurement procedures, asset classification, asset procurement thresholds, depreciation policies, asset security, risk mitigation and asset register maintenance.
The consultant is also expected to evaluate the current asset register and give recommendations on improvements.
6. To put procedures in place for improved procurement processes, clearly setting roles, procurement thresholds, selection of suppliers, granting of tenders and bidding procedures and the general procurement cycle. At a minimum, the policy should incorporate the general procurement and value for money principles and match donor expectations.
7 To set up, design and recommend user friendly templates for the procurement cycle.

Duties and Responsibilities

4. Outputs/Deliverables
1. Update current policies, systems, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and organizational structure. This may include carrying out a desktop review or a needs assessment.
2. Develop revised and updated Policy manual and share with New Faces New Voices Zimbabwe with briefing notes on amendments made on the prior policies and procedures.
3. To incorporate the input and feedback received from NFNV Zimbabwe into the revised policies and procedures.
4. To develop a standard template/forms/tools attached to the manual as an appendix
in easy to use and editable form. Also provide brief guidelines on how and when to
fill each section of the standard templates.
5. Communication and reporting structure Line of Communication and Reporting
The consultant will communicate and report to:
1. Country Director: On progress and issues arising (overall management).
2. Board Chair and Finance and Procurement Committee: Responsible for contractual arrangements and coordination, review and input on logistic and Policy manual.
• Meeting Board Chair and Country Director
• Review preliminary organizational documents relevant for the exercise.
• Develop the first draft of the revised and updated financial management, procurement and asset management policy procedures manual and share with the respective templates and forms.
• Feedback process to review draft.
• Finalize the policy incorporating feedback inputs.

Qualifications and Experience

Qualifications and Experience
i) A degree in any of the following: - Finance, Management Accounting, Accounting, Organisational Development, and relevant certifications.
ii) The consultant should be an active member of a professional board such as ACCA, ICAZ or have relevant certifications.
iii) Minimum of 10 years’ experience in development of policy manuals, accounting systems, procurement processes and procedures understanding development sector or private sector financial management standards and principles.
iv) Capacity to utilise technology for preparatory interviews for example Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google meet, Skype etc.
v) Understanding of donor guidelines/regulations, donor compliance and internationally accepted best practices and standards.
• An expression of interest in a simplified format not exceeding 3-4 pages.
• CV reflecting experience in work and the qualifications of the consultant.
• Tax certificate.
• Schedule of activities and deliverables in a workplan with timelines.
• List of 2-3 contactable client and or professional referees for similar work with complete contact details.
• A sample of the work previously developed.
Financial proposal: Max 1 page
• Itemise consultancy fees/costs and number of days per activity.
• Itemise administrative expenses (excluding workshop venue costs to be covered by
• Copy of valid ITF263 Tax clearance certificate.

How to Apply

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Location: Harare
Company: New Faces New Voices Zimbabwe
Expiry Date: 2024-02-07 00:00:00