Terms of reference for upgrading of the Africa Education Learning Hub for Horn, East and Southern Africa (HESA) region.

Job Description

The Zimbabwe Network of Early Childhood Development Actors (ZINECDA), in partnership
with the Lesotho National ECD Coalition (NECDOL) Malawi ECD Coalition, RDPI and ZANEC,
are implementing a transnational project called TRANAC. This project aims to strengthen the
capacity of ECD coalitions to improve ECDE legislation, policies, and measures in Southern
Africa. TRANAC is part of the broader education development initiative in the Horn, East, and
Southern Africa (HESA) region, which includes operational components (OC) 1, 2, and 3
grantees and partners funded by GPE through Oxfam Denmark as the grant agent.
Acknowledging the Global Partnership for Education's (GPE) focus on collaborative learning
through the Education Out Loud (EOL) components, there is a need to emphasize learning
and collaborative networks. This is particularly important given the constantly changing
environment, which requires actors to be elastic, flexible, and adaptive to evolving
circumstances within the operating environment. Moreover, the education sector suffers
from information overload, and face challenges in terms of both volume and access to
different kinds of documents, the knowledge hub seeks to bridge this gap. Thus, the TRANAC
consortium, in collaboration with Oxfam Denmark's regional management unit in Uganda
developed the Africa Education Hub, an online learning and collaboration platform for
research, knowledge generation and sharing, learning, innovation and resource mobilization
for policy advocacy among education actors in the HESA region . This hub serves as a
knowledge broker, facilitating the storage, sharing, and dissemination of information,
innovations, and best practices among EOL grantees and the wider public. The hub fosters
the exchange of demand-driven regional knowledge and builds the capacity of members to
identify, use, share, and mobilize evidence. It also provides a platform for policy advocates,
researchers, individuals, and organizations to access scientifically proven best practices and
strategies that they can adapt and apply in their respective contexts.
To this end, the TRANAC consortium is seeking the services of a consultant or service provider
to upgrade the online knowledge and learning hub. Currently, the hub has a total of 69
articles/reports uploaded across 12 thematic areas, with usage ranging from 3,500 to 4,000
item downloads and views consecutively.
Expected Deliverables/Output of the Assignment
A fully functional on-line knowledge and learning hub that will have the following among
• Content Preservation
• Metadata Management
• Access and Dissemination
• Discovery and Search
• Version Control
• Collaboration and Resource Sharing
• Weekly ,monthly and yearly Usage Monitoring and Analytics
• Unlimited storage of learning information or documents
• Interactive (connected to social media websites and social embedded chat widget)
• Enterprise grade security to avoid hacking
• Smart search engine
• Customisable interface
• A tool that facilitates seamless knowledge generation and storage in Africa
• Information arranged by region, countries and thematic areas.
• Support and mentorship system for the hosting organisation
• Produce manual/user manual to show how the hub can be navigated.
Functions of the hub
An online knowledge and learning hub for Horn, East and Southern Africa that will be able to
stock and share:
• Research reports
• Policy briefs and papers
• Case studies and best practices
• Learning needs and capacity building strategies and plans
• Innovations and discoveries
• Impact/success stories
• Peer monitoring reports
• Budget analyses
• Advocacy tools and kits
• Learning courses
• Support learning among partners
• Key education sector performance and development data

Duties and Responsibilities

Expected deliverables
Under this assignment, the following deliverables will be expected from the consultant:
• Before start of the assignment, the consultant will be required to hold an inception
meeting with the relevant stakeholders to share how they understand the assignment
and how they will implement the assignment.
• The consultant is expected to receive feedback from this inception meeting and
incorporate such feedback into the inception report and thereafter submit the report
to the task manager- ZINECDA.
• The consultant is expected to constantly review the themes, methods and tools for
collecting data to accommodate adjustment if necessary.
• The consultant will be expected to present the developed/upgraded hub to members
of the HESA learning collaborative
The knowledge hub will be upgraded/developed and hosted from a ZINECDA web portal
accessible to all TRANAC and HESA grantees and their partners. This has to be designed
through consultant services needed to bring information from diverse sources into a single user interface.
Management and supervision of the assignment
The assignment will be managed by TRANAC through ZINECDA and with support from HESA’s
steering/coordinating committee in consultation with and advice from Oxfam Denmark
regional management unit in Uganda and as guided by milestones derived from the stated
deliverables and the objectives. The TRANAC management team, through the Hub and
Systems Admin and COPAD Officer and TRANAC lead will be in constant communication with
the consultant to track progress made on each stage, until the completion of the task.
Qualifications and Experience
The Consultant must have the following appropriate experience and qualifications:
1. A minimum of a Bachelor’s degree with post graduate training in IT/ computer science
2. Demonstrable knowledge and work experience in web designing and hosting
3. Experience of developing similar eLearning platforms and presenting complex issues in an
accessible and engaging manner
4. Ability to write concisely and present information clearly
5. Ability to produce high-quality work within tight deadlines and with minimum supervision.

Qualifications and Experience

It is expected that the consultant will employ an agile project management approach and
undertake this task in a participatory and consultative manner, ensuring that the key
stakeholders are involved at every step of the development process.

How to Apply

How to Apply
Application Process
We invite interested consultants/service providers to submit the following application
a) An expression of interest of no more than 10 pages, briefly addressing track record relevant
to the assessment and the degree to which the consultant(s) understands the assignment. If
a team of consultants is proposed, outline the anticipated roles of each team member.
b) Technical proposal for the assignment with a clear setup, user strategy, system framework,
proposed host space, suggested themes and linkages with websites, social media links,
timeframe and others. The proposal must also clearly outline how the TRANAC and HESA
project partners will be involved in the process.
c) Financial proposal (separating consultant day rates and anticipated costs) and mentioning
any other setup and recurrent costs required for the operation of the hub. Financial proposal
should be presented in USD.
d) Example(s) of previous similar works
e) Reference from previous employers and/or clients
f) Updated CV(s) of applicant(s)
g) Workplan for delivery of the assignment
Duration and timeline of the Assignment
The assignment is for 60 consultancy days from the date of signing contract to delivery of the
online hub. The contract is expected to be signed with the successful consultant by 15th July
2024. The full operation of the hub being anticipated by 15th September 2024.
All applications should be sent by the 12th of July 2024 on the following email address:
[email protected]
Hard copies will not be accepted.
The consultant is expected to have the necessary equipment and tools to enable them
undertake the assignment.


Location: Harare
Company: ZINECDA
Expiry Date: 2024-07-12 00:00:00