Job Description

The Friendship Bench is evidence–based, mental health intervention developed in Zimbabwe to bridge the mental
health treatment gap. We value mental well-being and strive to improving people’s quality of life through problem
solving talk therapy. You can visit the website for more information. Friendship Bench is upscaling, fidelity and
adherence to program design issues come with it.
The main objective of this consultancy is to migrate to a DHIS2 platform, inclusive of a DHIS2 tracker to allow endusers
to input data directly linked to the central repository.
1. Develop and install a comprehensive and secure programme database system, with corresponding dashboards
which are consistent with FB pre-determined and modifiable indicators and reporting requirements (ability
to generate site-level reports, ability to link with partner organisations data as appropriate).
2. Develop standard procedures and guidelines for maintaining the database and the integrated system.
3. Improve the competence (application of knowledge and skills) of FB staff in using, amending, and maintaining
the developed database and standards.
4. Develop and install a secure and web-based, mobile application (with offline and online functionality)
Integrated Management Information System (IMIS), which can adequately integrate information from different
systems sites. Strengthen the processing, management, and sharing of FBs information internally and
externally with stakeholders (including MOHCC).

Duties and Responsibilities

Detailed Description of Tasks:
Customise all the relevant FB data collection tools into the DHIS2 database as detailed below.
1. Perform a detailed review of the current system and familiarise yourself with existing processes.
2. Develop a written plan for the development of a database system that meets the highest international and
national standards of data security (including storage, retrieval, backup, and data cleaning) which is specific
to the needs of FB.
3. Setup and secure DHIS2 instance for FB.
4. Align the DHIS2 system to have MOHCC naming organisational units.
5. Create forms for indicators to cater for customized indicators, complete with narratives or textboxes for
descriptions in datasets.
6. Design form for monthly reporting across all implementing teams.
7. Design a weekly High-Frequency reporting (HRF) template, with organisational-specific custom indicators.
8. Develop a data entry interface for individual-level data collection via mobile phone (DHIS2 tracker capture)
and via the web.
9. Design the system to produce aggregated reports as required.
10. Provide for hierarchal access to data within the database.
11. Layer data visualization software to the database e.g. Power BI
12. Provide proper documentation, system architecture and tools for future maintenance and enhancement.
13. To ensure the smooth migration of the current COMM Care and FB azure portal databases and datasets onto
14. Provide continuous technical support to the team for up to 3 months from completion.
The Consultant will work closely with the DHIS2 task force comprising of the Strategic Information and Evaluation
team (SIE), programs, under the direct supervision of the SIE Manager and IT Manager. With the SIE Head being the
Project Manager. The Consultant is expected to develop a proposal for the recommended systems, work plan and
schedule of tasks, with corresponding deliverables. This consultancy is anticipated to be completed within a maximum
of 90 days. Milestones/deliverables are summarised in the table below. The timelines attached start commencing
from the day the signed contract is submitted to FB HR.
Deliverables and Timelines
1. Inception Meeting and Report 2 days
2. Customized DHIS2 database with all the data collection tools for FB produced. 7 days
3. Data elements and indicator reports were developed in the DHIS2 database. 7 days
4. Secure DHIS2 database host online for FB. 7 days
5. Mobile Data Entry Interface produced (tracker capture). To include the offline functionality. 7 days
6. Single secure web-based database. Migration of all historical data from old onto the new system, and
hosting on Microsoft Azure. 2 weeks
7. DHIS2 task force trained on customization, template development, DHIS2 Analytics reporting, system
management, and administration. 2 weeks
8. Sample DHIS2 Analytics Reports and Dashboard for programs and projects developed. 7 days
9. Visualization Software layered 7 days
10 Thorough system testing and deployment (This includes pilot testing with 2 sites one in the urban and the
other rural setting) 2 weeks
11 System Support (To be done for 3 months by the consultant after system deployment)

Qualifications and Experience

Payment shall be made as follows, provided submission of all required documentation.
1. 25% at inception, following submission of the signed contract to FB HR
2. Remaining 75% after all outputs have been delivered and signed off as satisfactory by the DHIS- 2 committee
(SIE Head, Sie Manager, IT Manager, Programs Head and Manager).
Required Qualifications and Experience:
1. A bachelor’s degree in information systems management or computer Science OR Computer Programming OR
any other related fields, with at least 3 years’ experience in the field of public health.
2. Master’s Degree in a relevant field is an advantage.
3. Programming experience in Java, C#, Python, PHP, Android
4. Programming experience in data-driven applications, preferably in the health sector
5. Experience in systems integration, programming using APIs, XML
6. Experience in administration of enterprise databases: Postgres, Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL Server
7. Experience in DHIS 2 installation, setup, and maintenance, DHIS 2 APIs
8. Experience in Jasper Reports, Crystal Reports, or any other reports management tools
9. Experience in working with and/or training Health Information Systems or Health projects supported by
databases such as DHIS2. Experience in systems documentation.

How to Apply

Submission of Consultancy Bid:
Interested individual consultants or multitask teams must submit the following documents/ information to
demonstrate their qualifications in sealed and marked envelopes to 4 Weale Road, Milton Park, Harare by midday
on 1st December 2023.
1. Proposal:
Submit a letter of expression of interest including:
a. Capacity statement
b. A brief methodology on how they will approach and conduct the task.
c. Proposed work plan
2. Financial proposal.
3. Personal CV (maximum of 2 pages) including experience in similar projects supported with traceable
references (3 letters) and at least 3 references.

Friendship Bench logo

Location: Harare
Company: Friendship Bench
Expiry Date: 2023-12-01 00:00:00