TERMS OF REFERENCE Fighting Against Child Labour and Child Trafficking in Zimbabwe Toolkits

Job Description

Location: Chiredzi, Hurungwe and Mudzi.
Dates: 30 Days
Contact: 741639
Due Date: 12 May 2024
Child labour, Child trafficking and the worst forms of child rights violations are a concern
to the government of Zimbabwe, CSOs and people of Zimbabwe. Empirical research and
studies on child labour have been conducted over the years like the Child Labour Surveys
in 1999 and 2004,2008 & 2019 all of which showed that child labour exists in Zimbabwe
mainly in the agricultural and domestic sectors, and this includes hazardous work that
children are exposed to. Poverty has consistently been identified as the main driving force
for child labour and child trafficking. The country continues to experience child labour and
child trafficking despite having several domestic instruments which can be used to protect
children from these vices. These include the 2013 Constitution, the 2016 Immigration Act
(Article 4 and its respective regulations), the 2016 Refugees Act (Article 13 and its
accompanying regulations), the 2014 Trafficking in Persons Act, the 2016 Labour Act, the
2021 Marriages Act (Article 5), the 2023 -2028 Zimbabwe Trafficking in Persons National
Plan of Action (NAPLAC) and the Children Amendment Act No 8 of 2023 which
strengthened child protection by aligning the Children’s Act with the Constitution and
international conventions.
Zimbabwe National Council for the Welfare of Children (ZNCWC) in a consortium with
Coalition against Child Labour in Zimbabwe (CACLAZ), Save the Children and Zimbabwe
Environmental Law Association (ZELA) is implementing an action on Fighting against
Child Labour (CL) and Child Trafficking (CT) in Zimbabwe, with financial support from
European Union (EU). The action is targeting three (3) districts: Chiredzi, Hurungwe and
Mudzi with major focus on contributing to the reduction of the worst forms of child labour and child trafficking in Zimbabwe. The specific objective of the Action is to Strengthen CSOs capacities on advocacy for child labour, child trafficking reduction and children’s rights enforcement.

Duties and Responsibilities

It is against this background that a consultant(s) is sought to review existing training
materials and develop new ones (Stop Child Labour and Child Trafficking Toolkits). The
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toolkits will be developed with guidance on child rights promotion; prevention, monitoring,
response and mitigation to child labour and trafficking; engagement with private sector;
youth empowerment; and resilience-building initiative review existing training materials,
conduct consultations, develop two [2] separate toolkits and translate the toolkits into local
languages (Shona and Changana):
1. Fighting against child labour toolkit in Zimbabwe and
2. Fighting against child trafficking toolkit in Zimbabwe.
These toolkits are to be used in strengthening CSOs capacites in addressing child
protection, and child labor issues that are affecting boys and girls. what we mean by
this according to our guidelines, when we talk about strengthen capacities, we
are looking at:
• Local or (sub-) national coordination mechanisms related to child labour and child
• Employment regulation and child labour law enforcement systems and child
• Informal systems at community level, including workplaces that can protect
children from child labour and child trafficking.
Furthermore, the toolkits must address:
1. Drivers of child labour and child trafficking,
2. Acceptable and unacceptable forms of child work (The objective is known the
minimum age this helps to determine what work is acceptable for children and what
is considered child labour)
3. Differentiate child labour and child work,
4. The legislative framework governing child labour (CL) and child trafficking (CT)
Identify opportunities to engage with the Government of Zimbabwe in fighting
against child labour and child trafficking in the country. (policy gaps)
5. Articulate the different roles and responsibilities of various actors in Zimbabwe.
Scope of Work
To facilitate this, the consultant will engage in a combination of:
● Collaboration with the Consortium team members to draft the key pillars for the toolkits
and review of existing materials – resource libraries, International Agencies, and other
country reports.
● Engage through focus groups or key informant interviews with child representatives,
CSOs, government departments focused on child rights implementation and
protection and private sector players involved.

Qualifications and Experience

● An advanced degree in social work, development studies, law, or any relevant social
sciences/humanities qualification.
● Minimum 10 years’ experience in child rights and child protection programming,
addressing child labour and child trafficking in Zimbabwe and Africa
● Consultant(s) or consultancy team should consist of person(s) with legal, monitoring
and evaluation/data analysis expertise.
● Proven experience in research, evidence collection, monitoring, or evaluation of
children's rights, especially child protection and children's participation.
● Strong understanding of a gender sensitive approach
● Familiarity with data analysis packages such as KOBO collect, SPSS, SQL, R,
Microsoft Excel, or any other similar packages.
● Excellent verbal and written communication skills especially in presenting findings and
data analysis.

How to Apply

Click to Apply

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Location: Chiredzi
Company: Local NGO
Expiry Date: 2024-05-12 00:00:00