TERMS OF REFERENCE CONSULTANCY for Nature + Project (Canadian Foodgrains Bank Project Number 3118)

Job Description

* To assess the hydrological context of landscape engineering and water resource management in the
Nemakonde project area including calculations of water catchment run-off volumes and speed/flow rates
for different rainfall scenarios;
* To complement GIS based maps and models with evidence of community perceptions, derived at
through a participatory on-site process;
* To make recommendations concerning the establishment of swales, infiltration pits and other water
harvesting features, contours and storm drainage canals;
* To produce hydrological maps and models with recommendations of sites for micro-dams integrated
with key-line features;
* To produce water use and water loss projections and make recommendations for water demand
management based on population, expected rainfall, topography, soil type, land classification, and scale of
water use for irrigation and household purposes;
* To recommend measures to ensure sustainability of water sources in the project area based on water
resource modelling in relation to soil types.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Consultancy shall be carried out in the Nemakonde landscape over a period of 24 months between January 2024 and December 2025. The Consultant shall
collaborate with other stakeholders involved in the thematic areas of landscape design, community resource
governance, gender, peace building and conflict transformation.
Field work shall be carried out in a sub-basin area of about 10 km². This area will be selected by TSURO
Trust latest by 31 January 2024.
The Consultant shall report to the TSURO Nature + Project Manager and attend dialogues and meetings
involving other consultants and stakeholders according to the TSURO Nature + Activity Master Plan.
The Consultant shall provide transport to the project location and action learning materials necessary for
participatory training and learning sessions according to a budget approved by TSURO.
A calendar of disbursement plans and disbursement dates shall be developed between the Consultant and
The Consultant shall follow professional principles of transparency and accountability in administering
project funds in a way that satisfies all project requirements of internal control systems, acquittal and
external auditing.
A contract between the Consultant and the TSURO Trust will be based on these Terms of Reference. The
contract will be signed latest by 31 January 2024

Qualifications and Experience

* The successful consultant will hold an undergraduate degree or a PHD in hydrology, water
resources management, civil engineering, geo-sciences or related fields.
* The consultant will have proven experience of at least 5 years in the above fields, with
particular emphasis on rainfall and climate research, hydrological modelling and applied
landscape engineering.
* The consultant will have research experience in a variety of global water catchment situations,
ideally including southern African basins, especially in relation to the Buzi, Pungwe and Save river
catchments (BUPUSA);
* The consultant will be able to communicate with universities, international research
institutions and funding partners;
* The consultant will be fluent in English and Shona. He / she will have a driver’s licence valid
in Zimbabwe;
* The consultant will be physically able to operate in the challenging rural terrain of

How to Apply

Applications MUST be sent by mail to [email protected] and [email protected] in one Zipped Folder.

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Location: Chimanimani
Company: Tsuro Trust
Expiry Date: 2024-01-31 00:00:00