Job Description

World Vision Zimbabwe would like to engage the services of specialists in the drilling industry to perform the following assignments:
Hydro-geological surveying of 5 borehole sites in Nyanga North District of Zimbabwe in the World Vision Zimbabwe Area program. These boreholes are intended for solar mechanization and the expected minimum yield yields is 0.8 L/s, anything less will be considered as a dry hole.
Production and submission of a complete hydro-geological survey reports(with an attached 2D geophysical survey profile for each site) before drilling commences showing at least three possible sites. (GPS coordinates, in decimal degrees, for all surveyed sites should be shown in the reports).
Development of the boreholes; -drilling and appropriate casing from top to bottom of productive (wet) boreholes.
Installation of approved steel (In case of collapsing formations) and approved uPVC screens and casings, as detailed in the attached Technical Specifications.
Production and submission of detailed drilling reports after drilling.
Production and submission of drill logs or lithological profiles as per attached specifications.
Performing capacity and recovery tests for a minimum of six hours in accordance with the specifications as indicated in the attached technical specifications.
Submission of a certified water quality test report showing physical, chemical and bacteriological results specified in the annexes.
World Vision Zimbabwe expects service providers to comply with World Vision WASH procurement guidelines, procedures and standards for suppliers (see Annex 1).
World Vision Suppliers should procure, supply and use materials, commodities and equipment that are certified to meet international standards and specifications as indicated in the attached appendix. Alternatively, Suppliers may provide materials certified to meet the National and regional standards provided that their specifications also meet the international standards. All materials and commodities will be subject to a third-party inspection and verification before use on sites. Suppliers shall not use materials before third party verification to avoid the risk of works being rejected. Materials and commodities not complying with certifications will be rejected.
Bids for performing works are to be submitted as shown in the table below. Works should be completed within 21 days of contract signing. Technical proposals for both consolidated and unconsolidated geological formations must be submitted and the technical proposals must accompanied by a detailed financial proposal. The financial proposal should be itemized and detailed indicating the cost of double casing and the drilling rates beyond 80 m. See WV Financial proposal doc example.

Duties and Responsibilities

A key requirement for the contractor is to integrate his or her siting techniques with the local or indigenous groundwater knowledge such that sites with high groundwater yield and good water quality are optimised. The groundwater exploration process shall triangulate all the scientific techniques and the local knowledge such areas with hard and saline water exceeding the WHO water quality guidelines are avoided. Siting methods, which may be used to investigate the feasibility of the sites chosen by the client, should include scientific methods especially geophysical surveys preferably integrated with other groundwater exploration techniques. The Contractor will be responsible for selecting sites that meet the stipulated conditions and is responsible for checking the suitability or feasibility of drilling at these sites. If there’s need for the Contractor to select a site that is not among the ones pre-sited by the community, client and the District Water and Sanitation Sub-Committee (DWSSc) technical person, then the contractor must consult with the WASH Technical Advisor and or WASH Technical Projects Manager or his representative prior to the works indicating the justification. See Annex 1.
NB. It is the full responsibility of the contractor to site a borehole which meet the contractual requirements in terms of yield. However, it will be much appreciated if the site falls within the preference of the local community, client and the local authority.
The contractor shall indicate duration of the work in a proper work plan, the price for drilling a borehole for each site and total costs of the scheduled work.
On satisfactory completion of the works, the Contractor, through the Area Program (AP) Manager, shall issue and produce a hydro-geological report that indicates potential yield and completion of the assignment to the satisfaction of the WASH Technical Advisor.

Qualifications and Experience


How to Apply

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Location: Nyanga
Company: World Vision
Expiry Date: 2024-04-26 00:00:00