Technician/Senior Technician (1 Post)

Job Description

The University seeks to recruit applicants with requisite qualifications, skills and experience for the following posts in the Faculty of Environmental Science: -
Department of Environmental Science

Duties and Responsibilities

Job Related

Qualifications and Experience

Applicants must have a relevant first degree in Biology, Environmental Science or equivalent plus at least five years post qualification experience or a Master’s Degree in Biology, Environmental Science or equivalent plus at least 2 years’ post-qualification experience in the laboratory will an added advantage.

How to Apply

All applications will be treated in strictest confidence. Applications, which should include a Curriculum Vitae (giving full personal particulars of applicant, including full names, place and date of birth, qualifications, employment and experience, present salary, telephone numbers and the names, addresses (including e-mail) and telephone numbers of three contactable referees) and copies of certificates must be addressed to:
The Senior Assistant Registrar
Human Resources Department
National University of Science and Technology
P O Box AC 939Ascot
Bulawayo, ZIMBABWE
And e-mailed to: [email protected] in a single pdf file clearly indicating the position being applied for in the subject line.
The National University of Science and Technology is an equal opportunity employer. In the interest of promoting gender parity, female candidates are encouraged to apply.
The closing date for receipt of applications is Wednesday, 29 November, 2023.

VacancyHQ Expert Job Listing Tips

Tips to Successfully Apply for this Job

  1. Structured CV: Your curriculum vitae must reflect your relevant academic qualifications and work experience in a clear and organized way. It should highlight your skills and experience related to Environmental Science or Biology.
  2. Qualifications & Experience: The position requires a degree in Biology or Environmental Science with minimum 5 years of experience, or a Master’s degree with at least 2 years of experience. Make sure to meet and clearly present these criteria in your CV.
  3. Referees: Carefully think about the referees you provide. They should be individuals who can attest to your qualifications and professional experience in the environmental science field.
  4. Certified Documents: Make sure to send all the necessary copies of certificates and documents as stated in the 'How to Apply' section.
  5. Application Submission: The application should be e-mailed as a single PDF and importantly, the position being applied for should be clearly mentioned in the subject line.

Key Aspects to Note in the Job Listing

  1. Deadline: The application deadline is on 29th November 2023. Never wait till the last minute as unexpected issues may arise.
  2. Gender Parity: The university is keen on promoting gender parity, suggesting an increased chance for a successful application for female candidates.
  3. Procedure: Follow the application procedure meticulously, avoid skipping steps which could have your application dismissed.
  4. Job Related Duties: The job listing didn’t provide specific duties, suggesting flexibility or potential for broad scope of work. You may want to research more about the duties of a Senior Technician in Environmental Science.
  5. Equal Opportunity Employer: NUST is an equal opportunity employer signalling they value diversity and do not discriminate, this can inspire confidence in potential candidates from all backgrounds.

Ways to Stand Out

  1. Demonstrate Proactive Learning: Mention any additional courses or workshops you’ve attended in the relevant field. In my experience, it can make you stand out.
  2. Highlight Unique Achievements: In a flooded job market like jobs in Zimbabwe, the unique achievements related to the job role can easily distinguish you.
  3. Personalize Your Application: Personalize your application by focusing on what motivated you to apply in the first place, if related it to the organization's ethos or vision it could reflect positively on your application.

Important Aspects Novice Applicants Could Miss

  1. Right Channel: Based on my experience, a beginner might not pay attention to the correct delivery channel, sending application to the right e-mail address or point person is key in this job listing.
  2. Relevance of Experience: Sometimes, applicants fail to connect the relevance of their past experiences to the job they are applying for, even if those experiences are not identical, they might have transferable skills.
  3. Referees: Novice applicants often miss the importance of choosing appropriate referees. Remember, these individuals will most likely be contacted, providing references who are familiar with your work in the relevant field will be a bonus.

From job vacancies in Zimbabwe, over the years, I have learned that recruitment agencies in Zimbabwe like the one for NUST have specific unmentioned expectations from applicants. So, always research on the organisation you're applying for and incorporate your findings into your application approach.

NUST - National University of Science & Technology logo

Location: Bulawayo
Company: NUST - National University of Science & Technology
Expiry Date: 2023-11-29 00:00:00