Survey on child marriage and analysis of the Laws and Policies for protection and support of victims/survivors of child marriage in Epworth, Zimbabwe.

Job Description

1. Background
Child marriage remains a widespread and persistent problem in Zimbabwe, with an estimated 34% of girls married before the age of 18. Regionally, the SADC Model Law on Eradicating Child Marriage and Protecting Children Already in Marriage, provides a comprehensive legal framework for SADC member states, including Zimbabwe, to harmonize their national laws and policies to effectively prevent and respond to child marriage. In conformity to the above, section 78 of the 2013 Constitution of Zimbabwe, sets the legal age of marriage at 18 years. Section 81(2) of the same also states that a child’s best interests are paramount in every matter concerning the child. Despite all the efforts to end child marriages, high density communities like Epworth remain the epitome of child marriages due to poverty, cultural norms, religious practices, lack of education and lack of legal enforcement.
Current advocacy actions and policy response work by state and non-state actors to end child marriage have been focusing more on prevention and enacting laws to outlaw child marriage. No attention has been given to protection and support mechanisms for survivors of child marriage. This presents a gap relating to issues to do with child maintenance, property rights and inheritance and other realities that may stem from the marriage being void.
It is against this background that Women and Law in Southern Africa (WLSA) seeks to engage a qualified consultant who will lead the research and auditing of laws and policies that protect and support victims/survivors of child marriages in that regard a Women’s Rights Organisation is seeking services of a consultant to a lead research on impact of child marriages and audit laws and policies protecting and supporting survivors of child marriages.

Objectives of the Consultancy
The primary objective is to conduct a survey on child marriage and analyse the laws and policies in place for protection and support of victims/survivors of child marriage.

Duties and Responsibilities

Specific Responsibilities
A detailed analysis of Protection and Support Mechanisms for victims/survivors of child marriage in Zimbabwe. The consultant will be expected to undertake the following tasks:
1. To lead the survey on child marriage
2. Identify and analyze protection and support needs of survivors of child marriage.
3. Audit and analyze laws and policies in place for protection and support of survivors of child marriage
4. Provide recommendations for law reform, or policy development (after identifying gaps in laws/ implementation).
5. Assess the extent of compliance with international human rights standards relating to protection and support of survivors of Child marriage in line with any international conventions.

4. Deliverables
The consultant is expected to deliver:
1. A comprehensive analysis report that includes a summary of findings on:
- Challenges faced by victims/survivors of child marriage
- The protection and support needs of survivors of child marriage
- The gaps in laws and policies in place for protection and support of child marriage
- The extent of compliance with international human rights standards relating to protection and support of survivors of child marriage
- Recommendations for law reform or policy development
- Issues papers and Policy Brief on Child Marriage in Zimbabwe

Qualifications and Experience

Qualifications and Experience
The ideal consultant should possess:
- Advanced degree in law, gender studies or related field.
- Proven experience in research, legal and gender analysis, legal frameworks, particularly related to women and children’s rights
- Strong understanding of national, regional and international laws and policies relating to protection and support of survivors of child marriage.
- Excellent analytical and report-writing skills, with a track record of producing high-quality outputs.

Duration of Consultancy
The consultancy is expected to last for 1 month extending from 6 September 2024 to 6 October 2024. The exact timelines will be agreed upon for the individual deliverables

How to Apply

Application Process
Interested candidates should submit the following:
- A cover letter detailing relevant experience and approach to the consultancy tasks.
- A current CV highlighting previous work in research, legal analysis and report writing
- Samples of previous work (reports, policy briefs, or similar documents).
- A proposed timeline and budget for completing the consultancy.

Submissions should be sent to [email protected], no later than 5 September 2024

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Location: Unknown
Company: Unknown
Expiry Date: 2024-09-05 00:00:00