Strategic Information and Evaluation (SIE) Manager

Job Description

ZNNP+ is an umbrella body that represents the interests of people living with HIV in Zimbabwe in their diversity. The organization is represented in support groups and community-based organizations at all provincial, district and ward levels of Zimbabwe. ZNNP+’s mission is “An environment where people live positively.”

Position Summary
Under the overall guidance and the direct supervision of the Executive Director, the SIE Manager will be required to conduct research and M&E activities on behalf of ZNNP+. To lead ZNNP+ TASQC programme efforts to strengthen monitoring and evaluation, and performance reporting within the targeted geographic areas, which may include providing support to district level ZNNP+ staff and health facilities to monitor, document and analyse the performance of their HIV and TB care and treatment services; interventions and ensure data quality. The position will contribute to overall improved quality of data generated by the district, improved HIV Monitoring and Evaluation systems as well as ensuring that data are correctly and timely entered in MOHCC DHIS.2, PEPFAR DATIM and other necessary platforms. S/he will be expected to play an active and constructive role in providing consistent information, analysis, and strategic recommendations to ZNNP+ programme management, including best practices.

Duties and Responsibilities

Job Description
Facilitating establishment and maintenance of the ZNNP+ M&E system, facilitating development and operationalization of the organization M&E plan, performance tracking, data collection, validation, analysis and report writing, facilitating program and strategic reviews, ensure the establishment and maintenance of a computerized database, conducting programme reviews and facilitating external evaluations and research. Capacity building of Staff and partners on M&E. Ensure the identification, documentation, and dissemination of best M&E practices, participating in Proposal writing, design of log-frames for proposed projects, representing the organisation at relevant programme forum.


Qualifications and Experience

Qualifications and Experience
University degree in Social Sciences, Mathematics, M& E, Statistics, Population Studies, Operations Research or similar. A master’s degree in any one of the above is an advantage. Minimum five (5) years of professional experience in the field of community development with increasing levels of responsibility in management. Knowledge of MOHCC DHIS.2, PEPFAR DATIM and community monitoring systems. Experience in community participation and health/ HIV projects. Demonstrated analytical ability and understanding of local context, with the ability to think creatively to develop appropriate activities. Personal commitment drives results, efficiency, flexibility, respect for diversity, analytical capability required to respond to evolving programme demands and current events. Be culturally sensitive and empathetic to others, with a ‘can do’ attitude.

How to Apply

To apply

Step1: Click the Button Below and complete the Application Form

Step 2: Submit your CV with three contactable referees to: Human Resources, ZNNP+, 28 Divine Road, Milton Park, Harare or via email [email protected]

VacancyHQ Expert Job Listing Tips

  1. Tips for Application:

    • Demonstrating Analytical Ability: In my experience, rather than just naming your degree on your CV, it's key to highlight relevant courses completed or projects undertaken that show your analytical skills and extensive knowledge of social sciences, mathematics, statistics, population studies or similar.
    • Highlighting Experience In The Field: In your CV, lay emphasis on your experience in community development and levels of responsibility you've handled specially relating to the health/HIV projects. It would be beneficial to note the impact and outcomes of your projects.
    • Understanding of MOHCC DHIS.2, PEPFAR DATIM: If you have experience with these systems, don't just mention it. Explain how you used them, what your outcomes were, and how that experience will benefit ZNNP+.
    • Capacity Building Skills: This job requires you to build capacities of staff and partners, be sure to effectively illustrate your previous experience and achievements in this domain.
    • Knowledge of monitoring and evaluation: Call out the number of years and specific M&E activities you have been involved in in your CV.
  2. Areas to Note:

    • Job Application Method: Please note the two-step application method which involves both an online form completion and sending your CV via mail to a given address or emailing it.
    • Contactable Referees: Candidates must have three contactable referees in their CVs.
    • Required Qualifications: Note specifically that a Master's degree in the related fields is an added advantage, so show how your qualifications align.
    • Duties and Responsibilities: Pay close attention to the responsibilities as these should guide your CV writing.
    • Five years' Experience: The job requires a minimum of five years of professional experience with increasing levels of responsibility.
  3. Standout Factors:

    • Demonstrate Adaptability: Highlight ability to adapt to changing demands and situations which stresses on flexibility and 'can do' attitude.
    • Experience with Relevant Platforms: Demonstrate your knowledge and experience with MOHCC DHIS.2, PEPFAR DATIM and community monitoring systems, this could set you apart.
    • Proposal Writing and Reviews: Emphasise any experience with proposal writing and conducting program reviews.
  4. Important Areas Novices May Miss:

    • Cultural Sensitivity and Empathy: Most novices would miss the soft skills needed for this job, it's important to bring out your people skills, empathy and cultural sensitivity.
    • Personal Commitment: An aspect that is often overlooked but extremely important is personal commitment, indicate your devotion and determination.
    • Identification, Documentation, Dissemination and Best M&E Practices: The position is not just about conducting M&E activities, but also about identifying and documenting best practices, novices may not give this the importance it deserves.
Zimbabwe National Network of PLHIV (ZNNP+) logo

Location: Harare
Company: Zimbabwe National Network of PLHIV (ZNNP+)
Expiry Date: -

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