Sales and Marketing Officer

Job Description

We are seeking a highly skilled, adaptable, and reliable sales and marketing officer to helps take our company to the next level. In this position, you will be part of a dynamic team of professionals who plan and implement our sales, marketing, and advertising activities. You should be familiar with analysis and market research, products and services promotion, and anticipation of customer behavior.

Duties and Responsibilities

• A Sales and Marketing Officer is responsible for researching and developing marketing opportunities and planning and implementing new sales plans.
• Helps to detail, design, and implement marketing plans for each product or service being offered
• Sets marketing schedules and coordinates with colleagues, sponsors, media representatives, and other professionals to implement strategies across multiple channels

Qualifications and Experience

• Successful work experience as a marketing associate, marketing assistant, or similar position
• Strong working knowledge of marketing and sales industry, including digital tools and techniques
• Excellent computer skills
• Exceptional communication and presentation skills

How to Apply

Send cover letter and a curriculum vitae to [email protected]

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Location: Harare
Company: Velnox private limited
Expiry Date: 2024-06-01 00:00:00