Request for Tender (RFT) Emthonjeni Women’s Forum with support from Trócaire Zimbabwe invites tenders for the provision of a motor vehicle.

Job Description

Request for Tender (RFT)
Emthonjeni Women’s Forum with support from Trócaire Zimbabwe invites tenders for the provision of a motor vehicle.

Tender Release Date: 5 March 2024
Deadline for tender submission: (16:00hrs/15 March 2024
1. Introduction
Tenders are invited from suppliers who wish to be considered for selection as the supplier of a motor
vehicle with the following specifications:
• Toyota Hilux D/Cab 4x4
• Reasonable mileage of below 100 000km
• Service Record
• Year of manufacture 2013 and above
• With accessories that includes a spare tyre, wheel spanner, reflective triangle etc.
• Accident free
• Diesel Engine
• Right Steering
• Registration Book in seller’s name
• Valid vehicle license disc
• No criminal record (cleared by the Vehicle Theft Squad)
• Engine never been stripped or opened.
2. Confidentiality
Emthonjeni will treat the content of all tenders as strictly confidential, and information provided in the
tenders will be used solely for the purpose of deciding on the award of a contract as
described in this document.

Duties and Responsibilities

3. Emthonjeni Women’s Forum Profile
Emthonjeni Women’s Forum (EWF) was established in May of 2010 and has a mandate to assist in
preventive and responsive measures of gender -based violence and in addressing behaviour change gaps
for survivors and perpetrators of domestic violence in Zimbabwe. More information about Emthonjeni
Women’s Forum can be found on
Scope of goods and services required
The motor vehicle should meet the minimum specifications stated in section 1 above.
4. Content and Format of Tenders
The tender should follow the following format:
a. Company Profile
Request for Tender (RFT)
Emthonjeni Women’s Forum with support from Trócaire Zimbabwe invites tenders for the provision of a motor vehicle.
b. Confirmation of company registration
c. Tax Clearance Certificate
d. List of vehicles on offer and prices
e. Pictures of vehicles on offer
f. Terms and conditions for purchase

Qualifications and Experience

5. General Terms and Conditions of this RFT
• Emthonjeni Women’s Forum does not bind itself to accept the lowest priced tender.
• Consider including a clause on payment terms (strictly via bank transfer)
• Emthonjeni Women’s Forum does not guarantee exclusivity and reserves the right to engage
other companies for the same services (if required) during the term of the contract.
• Emthonjeni Women’s Forum shall be free to
o To accept the whole, or part only, of any tender;
o To accept none of the proposals tendered;
o To republish this Request for Tenders.
• In the event of not accepting any of the tender submissions received on foot of this RFT,
Trócaire/Emthonjeni Women’s Forum shall be free to make such arrangements as it considers
necessary in relation to the provision of the goods/services.
• Emthonjeni Women’s Forum will not be liable for any costs or expenses incurred in the
preparation of a tender.
• The Contract shall be considered as a contract made in Zimbabwe, according to Zimbabwe
law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Zimbabwean courts.
6. Conflicts of interest
Any conflicts of interest involving an applicant must be fully disclosed to Emthonjeni Women’s Forum.
Failure to disclose a conflict may disqualify an applicant or invalidate an award of the contract.
Applicants are required to declare any current or past work which might reasonably be considered to
represent a conflict of interest. It will be for Emthonjeni Women’s Forum to decide if a material conflict
of interest exists and applicants in doubt in this regard should seek the advice of Emthonjeni Women’s
7. Contract Type and Period
On successful engagement, Emthonjeni Women’s Forum will enter into a fixed supply contract which
binds both parties in the sale of the vehicle.
8. Termination of Contract
8.1 Emthonjeni Women’s Forum reserves the right to terminate the contract at any stage on payment
of reasonable and agreed costs accrued to the date of termination. The contract may be terminated by
either party on giving appropriate written notice.
8. 2 If at any stage during the contract, the goods / services delivered by the tenderer is found to be
unsatisfactory, the contract may be terminated by Emthonjeni Women’s Forum. In the event of such a
termination, the tenderer will only be entitled to receive payment in relation to the acceptable goods /
services rendered at that time.
9. Evaluation of Tenders
9.1 All suppliers should at least meet following minimum criteria:
• Registered car sales
• Proven track record of car sales business
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• Able to provide the required motor vehicle within an agreed period of time
• Properly registered for tax purposes
9.2 The successful tenderer will be the one who, in the opinion of Emthonjeni Women’s Forum, submits
the most economically advantageous proposal applying the following award criteria:
• Provide a vehicle that satisfies the stated specifications
• Provide a high-quality motor vehicle
• Has favourable prices
• Complies with the agreed delivery schedule
• Has favourable payment terms
9.3 During the evaluation period clarification may be sought in writing from tenderers. Responses to
requests for clarification may not materially change any elements of the tenders submitted.
9.4 No unsolicited communications from tenderers will be accepted or entertained during the
evaluation period.
9.5 A shortlist of those who have tendered may be drawn up and a certain number of those who
have tendered may be invited to make a final presentation of their tender.

How to Apply

10. Submission of Tenders
Your proposal marked “EWF Motor Vehicle” should be submitted under sealed envelope to
the Emthonjeni Women’s Forum offices located at 29 Jason Moyo Street, Corner 1st Avenue and or at
12 Rochester Crescent Belgravia Harare.
The deadline for the receipt of tenders is 16:00hrs/15 March 2024
Any queries relating to this request for tender should be directed to by e-mail only to
[email protected] and copy [email protected]

Emthonjeni Women’s Forum logo

Location: Harare
Company: Emthonjeni Women’s Forum
Expiry Date: 2024-03-15 00:00:00