Reference number: SIMUKAI/RFP02/2023
Closing Date & Time: 07 December 2023 at 1400 hours
1. This RFP was prepared by Simukai Child Protection Programme.
2. The specifications prescribed are not in any way limited to any specific tenderer as they are based on generally achievable requirements.
3. Simukai does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender price and reserves the right to reject all submissions, in whole or in part, enter negotiations with any party, and/or award multiple contracts.
4. Tenders MUST be received on or before the closing date and time and all bids received after the closing date and time will not be considered.
5. The quotation MUST include and satisfy the following:
i. Bid Validity - at least 60 days.
ii. Unit Price and Total Price should include all taxes, logistical costs, and administrative costs. No submission will be considered for any discovered omissions from the tenderer(s). Tenderers will be awarded a firm fixed price contract, without provision for price variations.
6. Any costs associated with the preparation and subsequent submission of a proposal shall remain the sole responsibility of the supplier irrespective of the outcome of the final selection process.
7. All documents including catalogues, instructions, and operating manuals, shall be in the English language, and will become the property of Simukai Child Protection Programme once submitted.
8. Quality certificates e.g., ISO and related certifications to be included in bid submission.
9. At any time during the validity of the quotation, no price variation due to escalation, inflation, fluctuation in exchange rates, or any other market factors shall be accepted by Simukai Child Protection Program after it has received the quotation.
Interested service providers must submit their typed RFP on the company’s letterhead in compliance with the following details.
Means of submission: RFPs must be delivered electronically by the deadline to:
[email protected]
Email Subject: SIMUKAI/RFP02/2023
Due date and time: 07 December 2023 at 1400 hours
The successful bidder will be issued with a contract agreement specifying the terms and conditions.
The five-year project aimed to ensure increased access to inclusive and quality education targeting marginalised children in rural communities including children with disabilities. Under this project Simukai advocated for Second Chance Education to girls who dropped out of school after falling pregnant or due child marriage. The project promoted equal opportunities for girls and young women to acquire vocational skills, enhance their entrepreneurship skills and to pave way for the girl child to escape the cycle of dependency and poverty. The project also sought to increase the self-help capacities of girls and young women by linking them to positive role models for confidence building. The project was implemented in Dora Ward 5 and 35 under Mutare Rural District and Mayo Ward 35 under Makoni District.
1. Assess the progress made towards achieving project goal and impacts based on the project design and strategy (Relevance, Effectiveness, Impact, Sustainability and Efficiency) in order to better inform future programming and identify potential gaps and area-specific opportunities/focus for programme planning and improvement.
2. To come out with recommendations to guide future programming.
3. To render accountability to funding partners
Local NGO — Harare
Oxfam — Harare
Simukai Child Protection Program — Harare
Christian Care — Harare
Nutrition Action Zimbabwe ~~ 0 — Harare
Location: Mutare
Company: Simukai Child Protection Programme
Expiry Date: 2023-12-07 00:00:00