Professional Web Developer Required

Job Description

DURATION: 6 Months

STARTING DATE: 13 February 2024

ActionAid Zimbabwe, a member of the ActionAid International federation is seeking the services of a Zimbabwe-based consultant or consultancy team to develop a Web based application to be used as a learning and youth friendly compatible with all phone models and laptops.

Terms of References Imbedded: -

Duties and Responsibilities

Key Deliverables
• Develop a user-friendly web application to facilitate seamless communication and coordination among the Activista group members.
• Implement secure user authentication mechanisms to ensure data privacy and prevent unauthorized access.
• Enable efficient document sharing and collaborative editing for project-related documents and resources.
• Incorporate a task management system to assign, track, and manage various activities within the group.
• Integrate a dynamic event management system to organize and promote upcoming events and campaigns effectively.
• Provide a platform for members to engage in discussions, share insights, and contribute ideas for ongoing and future initiatives.
• Develop a responsive design to ensure compatibility with various devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.
• Support and maintenance: Administrative and technical support, quality control for a period of 6 months.
• Source code handover: Full source code including all developed libraries shall be handed over.

Qualifications and Experience

please submit:
• A proposal describing the previous work done in this area.
• A portfolio of previous work of webs with similar functionalities developed in Word Press.
• CVs of the lead developer, junior developer, experts in charge of this project to be included in the proposal.
• A financial proposal to address the work. The lump-sum fee which you propose for the consultancy should indicate the breakdown of all costs. This fee should be inclusive of ALL considerations.

How to Apply

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted and may be invited to participate in a call to further present and clarify their ideas. Interested application(s) should submit their application by clicking the button below
with the subject, “Website Developer” on or before 26th of January 2024.

NB: Please note that whilst all applicants will be assessed strictly on their individual merits, qualified women are especially encouraged to apply. Please further note that although we value all applications, we unfortunately can only respond to short-listed applicants.

Click to Apply

ActionAid Zimbabwe logo

Location: Harare
Company: ActionAid Zimbabwe
Expiry Date: 2024-01-26 00:00:00