To assist Poultry Manager in managing the site.
Duties and Responsibilities
• Enforcing biosecurity procedures (showering, boot-change, vermin proofing, chlorination)
• Reporting mortalities and culls to the clerk and flagging high mortalities to the Supervisor
• Monitoring bird activity, health, crop fills and signs off distress for pens under your charge
• Monitoring drinker and feeder heights and advising housemen accordingly on a daily basis,
• Maintaining and keeping of site pens and equipment, addressing spillages and leakages,
• Ensuring cleanliness of water, inspecting water lines, bell drinkers/nipple cups,
• Monitoring daily feed usage per pen, ensuring adequate feed has been fed by housemen, reporting feed usage to clerk,
• Ensuring house conditions (temperature, ventilation/air quality) are favourable to the bird as stated in the procedure,
• Weighing and recording weights weekly per pen as per procedure,
• Coordinating offloading chicks, feed, charcoal and shavings delivered in an orderly and accounted for manner (GRVs)
• Assisting in vaccination procedures as instructed by trained vaccinator
• Setting targets and following up on manure removal,
• Washing and disinfecting pens thoroughly,
• Coordinating preparations for placement, equipment and insulation and carrying out biosecurity checks as per procedure.
Qualifications And Experience
• A Degree in Animal Science or related
• At least 2 years experience in a large-scale broiler production
• Ability to lead a diverse team.
• Ability to work under pressure and for long hours.
• Ability to lead others.
Interested qualified and experienced candidates should send CVs and proof of qualification to [email protected] by 5pm on Wednesday the 6th of December 2023.
Tips to Assist in Applying:
Highlight Relevant Education and Experience: In my experience, CVs that speak directly to the position requirements have a higher chance of success. For instance, if you have a Degree in Animal Science or at least two years of experience in large-scale broiler production, these should be conveyed clearly and prominently on your CV in alignment with this job listing.
Demonstrate Ability to Lead: The job entails leading a diverse team and working under pressure. Phrase your CV to reflect past experiences where you demonstrated leadership skills or successfully handled high pressure situations.
Give Evidence of Hands-On Experience: Vacation roles or in-field experience related to poultry management should be clearly underlined on the CV. If you've directly performed tasks listed in this job description or similar, highlight this prominently.
Include Referee Recommendations: Having an influencer in your referee list, preferably someone from the agriculture sector in Zimbabwe can potentially vouch for your work ethic and competencies.
Key Deadlines and Communication Channels: Ensure you send your application to the stated email address before the deadline, in this case 5 pm on Wednesday the 6th of December 2023. Applications sent past this deadline or through different channels could be overlooked.
Areas of Importance:
Qualifications and Experience: What I've noticed over time is the importance of qualifications and experience in recruitment in Zimbabwe. For careers in poultry management, a Degree in Animal Science or related field is often required, together with tangible experience.
Application Deadline and Submission Address: Always stick to the deadline and email specified in job vacancies in Zimbabwe.
Job Duties: Understanding employment opportunities in Zimbabwe requires a comprehension of job duties. Always read through these thoroughly and ensure you understand what is expected.
Ability to Work Under Pressure: This job listing highlights needing to work long hours. If you may struggle with this, reconsider applying.
Not Meeting the Criteria: People often contact recruitment agencies in Zimbabwe wondering how to apply when they don't meet the criteria. In my experience, if you have most of the skills and believe you can quickly adapt to fill in gaps, it's worth a shot.
Stand Out Factors in a Crowded Candidate Pool:
Demonstrate Proactive Learning: If you've gone beyond your degree to take on further training or courses related to Animal Science, this can set you apart.
Share Real World Experiences: Sharing detailed real-world stories of success in a similar role will help you stand out in the Zimbabwean job market.
Clear and Concise CV Layout: A well-structured, concise, and proof-read CV can be a clear differentiator.
What Novice Applicants Might Miss:
Read Job Description Thoroughly: Novice applicants may not fully understand the extent of the role's duties and challenges. Be sure you comprehend the full scope of the job.
Tailor-made CVs: Often, inexperienced applicants send a generic CV to various job offers in Zimbabwe, not taking time to tailor the CV to match the specific role.
Undervaluing Transferable Skills: Many times, individuals starting their job search in Zimbabwe undersell themselves by not highlighting useful skills acquired from unrelated jobs which could actually be beneficial.
Remember, getting the right job is just the first step. Be patient and persistent in your job search in Zimbabwe. Good luck!
TIMB — Harare
Location: Harare
Company: ArkTrust Investments
Expiry Date: 2023-12-06 00:00:00