Mental Health Officer

Job Description


The main objectives of the Special Initiative for Mental Health in the WHO Representative Office in Zimbabwe is to assist the Ministry of Health &Child Care (MOHCC), particularly the Mental Health Department other relevant institutions and partners in implementing the five year program by building and consolidating their capacity to plan, implement, monitor and evaluate Mental health prevention, detection, treatment and care activities as well as to strengthen coordination among different partners and stakeholders for effective programming

Duties and Responsibilities


•Oversee the overall timeliness and quality of all program deliverables of the Special Initiative for mental healthoperational work plan, assure compliance with WHO rules and regulations,and efficiently deliver related services/products within the country.•Provide technical support to the Ministry of Health and other lineministries and their technical departments in the review and implementation ofthe of mental health strategy through the Special Initiative for Mental Health as part of the Universal Health coverage ensuring care that is timely,efficient, equitable and people centered. •Coordinate with the international and national stakeholders (includingUN/NGO and civil society organizations and institutions working in the field of mental health to optimize mental health service delivery •Contribute to the mobilization of adequate and sustained resources forthe development and implementation of mental health activities.•Facilitate the development of community-based mental health servicesand contribute to the development and strengthening of secondary level specialist psychiatric services.•Provide technical guidance to develop, implement and disseminatestrategic information, policies and guidelines with stakeholders and partnersas well as monitor and evaluate implementation of mental health plans and the integration of mental health in the primary health care.•Monitor implementation of the Grand Challenge Canada Fund (GCC) on the FRIENDZ project •Facilitate and advocate for strategic partnerships to enhance public private partnerships for health and fostering joint Mental Health integration into other programs•Promote and support Operational/Implementation Research to identify innovative strategies which inform national policies, strategies and enable evidence-based decision making and programming for Mental health and the documentation of best practices in Mental Health awareness, prevention,detection, treatment, and care.•Monitor impact of pandemics like Covid-19 and Floods and any emergencies that impact on people's psychosocial wellbeing and identify innovative strategies to ensure continued delivery of these essential services.•Prepare monthly and quarterly progress reports of activities accomplished.•Perform any other related incident-specific duties, as required by thefunctional supervisor.

Qualifications and Experience



Essential: Degree in psychiatry,clinical psychology, social work or allied sciences from an accredited/recognizedinstitute.
Desirable: Masters in a mental health field, post-graduate qualificationor specialized training in (a) public health (b) clinical psychology or psychiatry;Training in delivering interventions in MNS disorders, training in WHOQuality Rights

Essential: At leasttwo (2 ) years of practical experience in the assessment,development and implementation of policies, strategies, and action plans for nationallevel Mental health in a developing country.
Desirable: Experience of managing national mental health programme(s) including experience withi mplementing WHO's Mental health Gap Action Programme (MHGAP), in capacity building, developing, and promoting collaborative partnerships. Relevant work and in WHO, other UN agencies, relevant nongovernmental, and health cluster partners. A minimum of 3 years of working experience in large public health projects would be an asset

Ability to establish harmonious working relationships and to function within multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.•Ability to consolidate information from multiple sources and preparestrategic information and reports for decision makers•Ability to lead and achieve consensus and coordination throughteambuilding•Ability to communicate clearly and concisely, orally and in writing.
WHO Competencies

Respecting and promoting individual and cultural differences
Building and promoting partnerships across the organization and beyond
Ensuring the effective use of resources
Creating an empowering and motivating environment
Use of Language Skills

Essential: Expert knowledge of English.

How to Apply

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Location: Harare
Company: World Health Organization
Expiry Date: 2024-05-15 00:00:00