Job Description

Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the above mentioned post. The incumbent will be reporting to the Senior Loss Control Assistant. The position exists to protect and safe guard all CMED assets in order to prevent losses to the organisation

Duties and Responsibilities

1.1.1. Searching of people
1. Searches all people entering the premises to ensure that no prohibited weapons /items enter the premises.
2. Search employees to ensure that they do not steal company assets and documents thus preserving company asserts and safeguarding information.
3. Check physical identification of visitors and clients for verification, correspondence and reference purposes.

1.1.2. Manning Main Gate
1. Screens vehicles to ensure that vehicle owners are not hiding any prohibited items/weapons.
2. Ensures that any individual that has brought commodities has receipt that accounts for the commodities they have.
3. Ensures that any staff member that has been allocated a car has a gate pass to indicate that they have received authorisation to take the car.
4. Record fuel gauge before an employee leaves the premises and when they return to ensure that there has been on abuse of company vehicles.
5. Ensure that all items being removed from the company premises are accompanied by relevant documentation e.g. Issue receipt voucher, stores demand etc to mitigate for theft.
6. Switch on floodlights at 6pm during night shift in order to work in a well-lit environment.

1.1.3. Record Keeping
1. Records all personal details of customers and visitors before permitting entry for use as reference, tracking and correspondence purposes.
2. Record incoming and outgoing vehicles to regulate and track movement within the organisation.
3. Sends all completed logbooks to Senior Loss Control Assistant for safekeeping so that they can be used for reference as and when needed.
4. Clock designated areas during night patrols to verify position of the guard and to ensure that the incumbent does his daily rounds as expected.
5. Maintains records of hand over and take over in order to give an update of daily activities to the next guard on duty e.g. notify next guard of persons that have been restricted entry.

1.1.4. Dog Handling
1. Clean dog kennel to ensure that dogs stay in a presentable and clean environment.
2. Wash bowls and feed dogs once a day at 8am to ensure that dogs have the whole day to digest their food in order to avoid laziness.
3. Groom dogs’ everyday by cleaning and combing them to determine sores that may need immediate attention.
4. Flytrap the kennel to trap all flies thus providing a clean and hygienic environment for the dogs.
5. Dip dogs in dog dip once every week to avoid the accumulation of ticks on dogs.
6. Train dogs and teach them tricks in order to keep dogs alert all the time.

Qualifications and Experience

Minimum qualifications

1. ’O’ level.
2. 0-2 years of relevant experience.

How to Apply

Applications from persons meeting the above stated requirements, a detailed curriculum vitae and copies of proof of qualifications should be submitted to;

The Human Resource Officer
CMED Private Limited

E-mail address: [email protected]

Not later than Monday, 26 February 2024

CMED Private Limited logo

Location: Chinhoyi
Company: CMED Private Limited
Expiry Date: 2024-02-26 00:00:00