INVITATION FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST - ‘Training Manual/ training tool kit for Youth Anti-corruption Retreats in Zimbabwe.’

Job Description

Transparency International Zimbabwe is a technical partner of the Strengthening Institutions and Youths Agency in Accountability Narratives (#SIYA) project. The project is implemented in partnership with the Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD), Youth Empowerment and Transformation Trust (YETT) and the Southern African Parliamentary Support Trust (SAPST). This project goal is underpinned by three core objectives:
i. To strengthen Zimbabwean youth’s knowledge, appreciation and adoption of a culture of integrity, honesty and ethics.
ii. To strengthen adherence to virtue, honesty and integrity amongst sub-national institutions that provide services to youth.
iii. To strengthen systems and mechanisms that support transparency and accountability efforts at the sub-national level by 2028.
TI Z and its implementing partners seek the services of a consultant/s to develop a training manual/ tool kit to be utilised in equipping young people.

Duties and Responsibilities

As part of the #SIYA initiative, TI Z and its consortium partners will be convening 2-day interactive youth retreats in all provinces of Zimbabwe in the next 5 years. To facilitate these engagements the implementing partners, intend to utilise a training manual/ tool kit which will be delivered to youth participants by multiple stakeholders through a series of interactive and engaging approaches. Ultimately, the retreats should culminate in participants crafting a plan of action for scaling up the participation of young people in the broader integrity building agenda in Zimbabwe.

Qualifications and Experience

Interested candidates must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:
A technical and financial proposal of not more than four pages (Times New Roman, Font size 12) with the following:
1. Introduction
a. Your understanding of the targeted beneficiaries
b. Your understanding of the ToRs Reference and Scope of Work
2. Proposed Methodology (including the themes/topics and justification for their inclusion, the suggested course outline, literature/sources of information, medium for instruction including ICTs, approach to inclusivity and proposed timelines for delivering on the project)
3. Capacity Statement
4. Financial expectation.
5. CV–this should highlight past experiences in similar projects/assignments.
6. Application should at least have 3 contactable references.

Duration of the assignment
The anticipated total level of effort for this assignment is 10 working days.
Interested consultants should have a minimum of the following:
- Minimum of a master’s degree in political science/governance, Development, Sociology, Law or Education or any other related qualification.
- Applicants with proven working experience of developing manuals or working with young people will be considered.

Technical experience and requirements
- Knowledge of and/or proven expertise in the civil society sector, conducting related assignments and presenting papers.
- Experience in Education and Training: The consultant/team must have experience in designing and delivering educational modules or training programs, preferably in the context of anti-corruption or related social issues.
- Evaluation and Assessment Expertise: The consultant/team should have experience in evaluating the effectiveness of educational programs and making necessary adjustments. This will help ensure that the proposed module is continuously improved and remains relevant to the target audience.
- Communication and Facilitation Skills: The consultant should be able to communicate clearly, engage participants, and facilitate discussions in a way that encourages critical thinking and active participation.

Submissions that do not adhere to the application framework will not be considered and canvassing will lead to the immediate exclusion of the related application. TI Z shall negotiate with the best consultant/s based on its evaluation criteria.

Resources, Roles and responsibilities
The consultant will be responsible for the preparation of a work plan, methodology, drafting and submission of drafts to TI Z and incorporating their feedback into the draft; the Production of deliverables following the requirements and timeframes of the ToRs; Presenting the module to TI Z and any for validation of findings and other as for a deemed necessary; and handing over data sets were agreed beforehand.
TI Z will be responsible for: Preparing the Terms of Reference (ToRs); Selecting, contracting and managing the consultant; Actively engaging with the consultant during the research process, as well assisting with data collection where relevant.

Terms of payment
Payment for the assignment will be made upon satisfactory completion of the task. Remuneration will be disclosed to shortlisted applicants.

How to Apply

Send your Expression of Interest and supporting documents to: [email protected]
NB: TI Z and its implementing partners will assess the applications on a rolling basis, under these terms the advert is valid until the 28th of March 2024. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

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Location: Harare
Company: Transparency International Zim
Expiry Date: 2024-03-28 00:00:00