Job Description

Clamore Solar is into renewable energy. Our mission at Clamore Solar is to champion-viable and sustainable energy solutions to meet the growing African demand.

Duties and Responsibilities

-Management of all our social media pages
-Create images and layouts by hand or using design software
-Conceptualize visuals based on requirements and marketing objectives
Amend designs based on feedback received
-Ensure the final graphics and layouts align with the brand name and guidance
-Assemble final presentation material for printing as needed

Qualifications and Experience

Must be studying graphics design /arts or any relevant degree/diploma

How to Apply

Cv's should be sent to [email protected] no later than 17 December.
Candidates are required to send their graphic designs, please ensure these are your designs not collaborative or copied. Please write an essay on your strategy to increase brand awareness on our social media pages. We want the candidates to design an advert to promote solar irrigation services and solar maintenance using our logo and details. (Details to be shared through email upon request).

VacancyHQ Expert Job Listing Tips

Sure, I'm happy to provide insight into this job listing.

  1. How to assist people applying

    • Tailor your CV to highlight your design skills and related graphic arts projects
    • Emphasize on any past experience directly related to managing social media pages
    • List relevant design softwares you are proficient with
    • Highlight your understanding and interest in renewable energy for relevance
    • Include any sustainability-themed projects
  2. 5 key areas to take greater note of in the job listing

    • Take note of the December 17 application deadline, which is a strict cutoff
    • The requirement to send a tailored cover letter in the form of an essay on increasing brand awareness
    • The specific email to send applications to, [email protected]
    • The need for original graphic designs, not joint efforts or copied
    • The request for a specifically tailored advert promoting Clamore Solar services
  3. 3 things that a candidate can do to stand out

    • In my experience, demonstrating in-depth understanding of the renewable energy market, especially in African context, can set your application apart
    • Producing an exceptionally creative, visually appealing advert using Clamore's logo will definitely get noticed
    • Proactively reaching out via LinkedIn to the hiring manager, if listed, showing enthusiasm for the roles
  4. 3 important things novice applicants will likely miss

    • Overtime, I've noticed that many ignore the request to specifically detail how they would increase Clamore Solar’s brand awareness, this will set you apart as creative and thoughtful
    • They may fail to comprehend that the design must be original, not collaborative or copied. This is crucial as it displays your own design prowess
    • A common error rookies make is missing out on customizing their application for the job at hand. Make sure each application is unique and tailor made

In today's job search in Zimbabwe, standing out is key. Employment opportunities in Zimbabwe, from vacancies in Zimbabwe to recruitment agencies in Zimbabwe, demand a keen eye to details in advertisement. Your dream job offers in Zimbabwe could be tied to your ability to detect nuances in listings. When examining job vacancies in Zim, consider the potential behind every word, every requirement. Remember, Zimbabwean jobs, including these exciting ngo jobs in Zimbabwe, require this careful scrutiny. Seize these vacancies in Zim and get your dream jobs in zw.


Location: Harare
Expiry Date: 2023-12-17 00:00:00