Job Description

Union Hardware is looking for a confident, talented and creative Graphic Design / Web Developer to join our team. You will be responsible for designing adverts, banners, logos, brochures etc. As well as customer feedback and creating product uploads CSVs for our website.

Duties and Responsibilities

You will be responsible for designing adverts, banners, logos, brochures etc. As well as customer feedback and creating product uploads CSVs for our website.

Qualifications and Experience

-A degree or diploma in Graphic Design, Web Development, or related field.
- At least 2 years of experience in graphic design and web development.
- Proficient in Adobe products, such as Photoshop and Illustrator.
- Knowledge of video editing and video graphics.
- Knowledge of basic photography.
- Ability to work independently and collaboratively with other team members.
- Excellent communication, problem-solving, and time management skills.
- A portfolio of previous graphic design and web development projects.

How to Apply

If you are interested in this position, please send your resume and portfolio to [email protected] with the subject line "Graphic Design / Web Developer".
We look forward to hearing from you soon.

VacancyHQ Expert Job Listing Tips

  1. Application Tips:

    • Tailoring your CV: Considering the complexity of this job offer in Zimbabwe, you need to emphatically highlight your skills in both Graphic Design and Web Development; these two are the core aspects of the job. Focus on your achievements in these areas and use metrics wherever possible.

    • Addressing Job Requirements: Explicitly mention your proficiency with Adobe products in your CV, substantiated with examples from your previous experiences. Do not ignore details like experience with video graphics and basic photography; include them under a separate 'Technical Skills' section.

    • Incorporating Soft Skills: Time management, excellent communication, problem-solving abilities; these aren't just filler text but key skills the company is looking for. When detailing your experiences, offer examples demonstrative of these skills.

    • Presenting a Strong Portfolio: Highlight your best design work and web development projects. The hiring company has specifically asked for this; it's a significant part of your employment opportunity in Zimbabwe.

    • Application Method: CLR to the details of the 'How to Apply' section. Send your application to the listed email address, with the right subject line. Belittling this detail would reflect poorly, giving an impression of carelessness.

  2. Applying Distinguishably:

    • Creating a Unique Design Resume: In my experience, a well-thought-out and beautifully designed CV can set you apart in the pool of job vacancies in Zimbabwe. As a graphic designer / web developer, your CV should represent your capabilities.

    • Showcasing Brand Relevance: Understand Union Hardware's brand and reflect it in your application. Displaying an understanding of the brand encourages recruiters that you'd be a good fit.

    • Exceeding Expectations: If you have more years of experience or relevant certifications not expressly required in the job listing, do well to include these. They could elevate your application, which is especially crucial for competitive jobs in ZW.

  3. Novice applicants' common overlooks:

    • Neglecting Soft Skills Requirement: Novices tend to focus more on technical skills but underestimate the importance of soft skills in the real world. The listing specifically mentions time management, communication, and problem-solving abilities; these are non-negotiable.

    • Ignoring the Application Process Detail: What I have noticed over time in Zimbabwean Jobs is that failure to adhere strictly to application instructions often results in automatic disqualification, regardless of competency.

    • Overlooking Brand Understanding: Many applicants do not research the company. Displaying an understanding of the brand, its ethos, mission, and core competity can give you an edge in the job search in Zimbabwe.

In summary, carefully analyse job listings before applying and always tailor your application specifically to the job. It can make a difference between disregarded applications and landing that dream job amidst numerous vacancies in Zimbabwe.


Location: Harare
Expiry Date: 2023-12-10 00:00:00