Job Description

FHI 360 Zimbabwe Country Office hereby invites applications from reputable companies to register as suppliers &
contractors for the provision of goods and services to our offices in the categories listed below. This invitation does
not constitute a legal binding contract neither commitment/promise by FHI 360 that it will do business with your

Duties and Responsibilities

General Supplies/Services
• Courier Services
• Printing, bulk photocopying services
• General office stationery
• Cleaning and sanitary services
• Outside Catering Services
• Freight Clearing and Forwarding Services
• Firefighting equipment & maintenance
• Security Services (office and residential
• Maintenance of copiers, fax machines, printers
• Supply and service of air conditioners
• General property maintenance
• Designing and supply of IEC materials
Computers and IT Services
• Printer sales & service
• Computer hardware accessories
• Network Infrastructure services
• Cellphone sales & service
Insurance services and broking

• Shuttle Services
• Motor vehicles hire and leasing services.
Medical Equipment, Supplies & Consumables (various)
• Supply, installation & maintenance
Motor Vehicles & Motorcycles
• Motor vehicle/ motorcycles repair & service
• Fuels and lubricants
Cargo (containerized trucks)
• Transportation of project materials to district &
provincial offices
Office furniture and equipment
Conference facility, accommodation, and meals
• Outside catering services
• Décor and events management services
• Conference facilities
• Accommodation

Qualifications and Experience

Applicants should send.
1. Company profiles (clearly stating the physical address, telephone numbers & valid e-mail address),
2. ZIMRA registration (Tax clearance, Vat certificate – all valid)
3. Three written and signed trade references from reputable companies you are currently providing goods
and services.
4. Certificates of registration/incorporation,
5. CR14
6. Payment terms – preferably 14 – 30 days after delivery or service.
7. List the provinces which your organization has physical offices and provide addresses and telephone

How to Apply

For IT Services, Suppliers should show proof of being accredited as either support centers or solution
providers for companies such as Microsoft, HP, Dell, Cisco, APC etc.
All applications MUST be labeled ‘Supplier Registration # the category you wish to register on the
subject line of the email’
Applications MUST be sent by mail to [email protected]. in one Zipped Folder
All suppliers that are currently supplying goods/services to FHI 360 must re-apply with all documentation
attached as mentioned above.
FHI 360 offices are located in the following provinces: Manicaland, Midlands, Bulawayo, Matabeleland
South, Mashonaland West, Masvingo, Harare, ,
Deadline for the submission of documents for registration is 15 January 2024 at 5pm.

Click to Apply

VacancyHQ Expert Job Listing Tips

Here are the insights in line with your request:

5 tips for applying for this job listing

  1. In my experience, your CV should showcase your ability to perform in one or more of the services listed in the duties and responsibilities section. Be as specific as possible about your experience with each task.
  2. To communicate competence, include specifics about the projects you've worked on that directly relate to the services needed by FHI 360.
  3. Jobs in Zimbabwe like these require a deep understanding of both the local and global market. Thus, contextualize your experiences within these markets.
  4. Write your CV in a way that specifically answers the requirements of the "Qualifications and Experience" section.
  5. Don’t forget to mention any experience with NGOs. Many firms value the understanding of NGO space, especially when it comes to job vacancies in Zimbabwe.

5 important areas to take note of in the job listing

  1. Take note of the submission deadline which is 15 January 2024, at 5 pm. Late submissions typically aren’t considered.
  2. While analyzing job vacancies in Zimbabwe, always pay attention to the "How to Apply" section. For this job listing, your application must be sent to [email protected], more so, in a zipped folder.
  3. The specific document requirements mentioned in the "Qualifications and Experience" section cannot be overlooked.
  4. The listing is specific about the inclusion of company profile, physical address, telephone numbers, and valid e-mail address.
  5. Pay particular attention to the requirement regarding showing proof of being accredited as either support centers or solution providers for certain companies, if you're registering for IT services.

Top 3 things candidates can do to stand out

  1. Over time, I have noticed the candidates who stand out are those who go the extra mile. For instance, research FHI 360 thoroughly so you can tailor your application to the organization's needs.
  2. FHI 360 is a reputable entity that invites a significant number of applications for vacancies in Zimbabwe. Offering uniquely convenient terms, like shorter payment terms, may make your proposal stand out.
  3. Demonstrate an exceptional track record, complemented by references from reputable companies, to set you apart from other applicants.

3 crucial things novice applicants might miss

  1. They fail to adequately show how they align with the specific duties and responsibilities of the job listing. Note how your services can benefit NGOs which, over time, has shown to be crucial for NGO vacancies in Zimbabwe.
  2. Novices may overlook the strict specificity required in the "Qualifications and Experience" section. Each document requested tells the employer something different about your capability.
  3. There's a stipulation about re-applying even if you’re a current supplier. Novices may miss this and risk their continued business relationship.

For successful job search in Zimbabwe, be it looking for a job offer in Zimbabwe, or exploring employment opportunities in Zimbabwe, I've always stressed attention to detail while hopping through the recruitment agencies in Zimbabwe. The devil, as they say, is in the details!

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Location: Harare
Company: FHI 360
Expiry Date: 2024-01-15 00:00:00