Job Description

The organization aims to empower women in their diversities economically and socially through amplifying their voices in all local and national processes, creating platforms for engagement, advocacy and capacity building. The organization focuses on creating platforms and community centered interventions which support women to effectively participate in the socio-economic and political processes and realise their full potential by promoting democracy and good governance.The organization’s a membership of more than 5000 women and girls in their diversity with a particular bias on women and girls with disabilities.
The consultant is expected to evaluate a 2 year project that aimed to increase women, youths and PWD’s influence on policies and legislative processes for greater accountability, transparency and inclusiveness. The project was implemented in Masvingo and Midlands provinces although some of the activities were had national coverage.

The strong focus was given towards disability inclusion in the spirit of leaving no none behind;
gender mainstreaming and integration and positive youth development; key to promote realization and enjoyment of fundamental human rights by all citizens. Policy makers especially parliament, line ministries, independent commissions, CSOs and other non-state actors were engaged throughout the project to turn around the narrative towards greater inclusion and engagement of marginalized groups especially women, youth and persons with disabilities in policy and legislative discussions. This was based on the realization that defending, protecting and upholding the fundamental rights of people requires effective and active participation of all citizens throughout all the stages of legislation, and nurture responsive and accountable governance in legislative processes. This also culminate into peace building necessary to achieve sustainable development of the country

Duties and Responsibilities

The following key questions will guide the end of project evaluation:
1. Relevance
• To what extent did the project achieve its overall objectives?
• What and how much progress has been made towards achieving the overall outputs and outcomes of the project . (including contributing factors and constraints)?
• To what extent were the results (impacts, outcomes and outputs) achieved?
• Were the inputs and strategies identified, and where they realistic, appropriate and adequate to achieve the results?
• Was the project relevant to the identified needs?
• Was the project effective in delivering desired/planned results?
• To what extent did the Project’s M&E mechanism contribute in meeting project results?
• How effective were the strategies and tools used in the implementation of the project?
• How effective has the project been in responding to the needs of the beneficiaries, and what results were achieved?
• What are the future intervention strategies and issues?
iii). Efficiency
• Specifically did the actual or expected results (outputs and outcomes) justify the costs incurred?
• Were the resources effectively utilized?
• What factors contributed to implementation efficiency?
• How efficient were the management and accountability structures of the project?
• How did the project financial management processes and procedures affect project implementation?
• What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the project implementation process?
iv). Sustainability
• To what extent are the benefits of the project likely to be sustained after the completion of this project?
• What is the likelihood of continuation and sustainability of project outcomes and benefits after completion of the project?
• What are the key factors that will require attention in order to improve prospects of sustainability of Project outcomes and the potential for replication of the approach?
• How were capacities strengthened at the individual and organizational level (including contributing factors and constraints)?
• Describe the main lessons that have emerged.
• What are the recommendations for similar support in future? (NB: The recommendations should provide comprehensive proposals for future interventions based on the current evaluation findings).
• The evaluation will assess the results and impact of the programme and validate the performance/results framework.
Expected Deliveries
The deliverables for this evaluation include:
1) Inception report which include details highlighting the background information, methodology, data collection and analysis plan, including data collection tools
2) Draft report for review and comments
3) Final report
4)1-3page Summary report (overview/executive summary of key findings and recommendations)

Qualifications and Experience

• A postgraduate university degree in Monitoring and Evaluation or any other relevant qualification. ; at least five years in research
• Past experience in similar assignments and production of a quality baseline, research or evaluation reports.
• Certification in project management is an asset
• 1-page expression of interest, highlighting relevant experience and knowledge of the context, daily rate and availability for travel to Masvingo Province.
• A technical proposal detailing your approach to evaluation of the project, including methodology proposal (maximum 5 pages).
• A sample of previous similar work done.
• A detailed financial proposal
• An updated CV(s)
• Contact details for 2 references
• Experience with working with People with disabilities is an added advantage.
• Previous working experience in Zimbabwe with NGOs is a must.
• In addition, the candidate must possess strong writing skills; all applicants are required to submit at least two copies of relevant publications or previous studies.
• Ability to maintain a high level of confidentiality.

How to Apply

NB: Women and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply
To Apply:
If interested in the above mentioned opportunity, please submit your application including qualifications and CV to [email protected] . Applications will be reviewed as they are received.
Please indicate the subject as EXTERNAL PROJECT EVALUATOR.

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Location: Masvingo
Company: Institute for Community Development in Zimbabwe (ICODZim)
Expiry Date: 2024-06-19 00:00:00