External Evaluation for a Community Food and Nutrition Security and Health Promotion Programme (CFNSHPP)

Job Description

1. Introduction and background
Caritas Mutare has implemented more than 20 years integrated rural development programmes and projects in Chimanimani district focusing on smart sustainable agriculture practices, HIV/AIDs and gender mainstreaming. In the past three years (May 2019 - April 2022), the organisation implemented a Community Food and Nutrition Security and Health Promotion Programme (CFNSHPP) in Chimanimani district, wards 7 and 17. Caritas Mutare successfully assisted 1200HH with agriculture seed packs, small livestock (indigenous chickens) and improved breed of local goats by introducing a Boer Buck in the target villages. Caritas Zimbabwe – Diocese of Mutare continues to assist the most vulnerable communities through an array of livelihood options under the Community Food and Nutrition Security and Health Promotion Programme (CFNSHPP) in Chimanimani district (ward 7 and 17). The project which was a poverty driven initiative aimed at contributing towards changing the socio-economic conditions of the selected Chimanimani rural farmers. This is being driven through sustainable farmer capacity building (training) aiming at enabling farmers receive Sustainable Agronomic practices (Conservation Farming), crop rotation, micro- irrigation, small livestock management, Natural Resource Management, Nutrition, Gender and HIV/AIDS, ISALs.
Project overall goal
The overall goal of the programme is to improve the food and nutrition security among 1200 vulnerable households in wards 7 and 17 of Chimanimani district of Zimbabwe. A target of 1200HH as direct beneficiaries and an estimated +-6000 individuals as indirect beneficiary benefited from the project.

2. Objectives of the evaluation
The main purpose of the evaluation is to support learning and accountability by taking stock of achievements, what has worked, what has not and the factors contributing to success and failure of MISEREOR funded project. Findings from the evaluation will support learning, innovations and form future programming of Caritas and MISEREOR whilst demonstrating accountability to donors and communities.
The objectives of the final evaluation are:
1. To objectively assess the relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, effects (outcomes and impacts) and sustainability of CFNSHPP project implemented from May 2019 to April 2022;
2. To identify examples of good practices, challenges, lessons learned and critical gaps in the implementation and inclusive programming with the focus of providing recommendations for program quality improvement in future project, as well as for general organizational learning.
3. To identify specific lessons for MISEREOR future work with Caritas Mutare

The external evaluation will focus on the CFNSHPP project implemented from May 2019 – April 2022). The project was implemented in two wards (7 and 17) of Chimanimani district in Manicaland Province, Zimbabwe. The project has sought to achieve the following objectives:
1. To promote food and nutrition security of 1200 targeted households through adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) practices by end of 2022
2. To increase collaboration between research and smallholder farmers in use of indigenous knowledge system management to effective and sustainable manage crop pest and diseases
3. To improve access to clean water supply for drinking to the targeted households
4. To increase awareness to 1200 farmers, mainstream gender, nutrition and HIV/AIDS prevention. Care and support to malnourished under 5 children and income saving to the targeted population by 2022

Duties and Responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of the evaluator(s) should be detailed in the submitted proposal. Roles and responsibilities include conducting desk review, refining evaluation questions, developing evaluation methodology, drafting an inception report, coordinating/overseeing the evaluation process, final reporting and incorporating comments/suggestions and presenting findings through a briefing session. The evaluator(s) are expected to apply predominantly qualitative tools and conduct appropriate data analysis processes, including triangulating/validating data.
The evaluation team will work closely with CARITAS MUTARE program management personnel who will guide the process of the evaluation and approve the selection of the external evaluator, approval of the evaluation methodology and endorsement of reports. MISEREOR and Caritas Mutare project management staff will provide required documents for the desk review stage and provide logistical support to the evaluator(s). MISEREOR and Caritas Mutare will provide comments to the final report and will jointly issue a management response.

Qualifications and Experience

The external evaluation consultant(s) should have proven experience of leading evaluations in Food and Nutrition Security and Livelihoods and must be familiar with the Zimbabwe context. The evaluator must meet the following technical qualifications:
• Hold a postgraduate degree in Livelihoods, social sciences, or a related field or equivalent relevant experience (M&E experience will be an added advantage)
• Significant experience in the humanitarian sector
• Substantial professional research experience specifically in the evaluation of community and international development programs
• A proven track record in conducting different types of evaluation and knowledge of various qualitative evaluation methods
• Strong analytical and facilitation skills
• Understanding of Core Humanitarian Standards and programme quality approaches
• Excellent English report writing skills

How to Apply

Applications for the consultancy should be submitted by e-mail to: [email protected] copy [email protected] specifying in the subject line: Consultant for the evaluation of CARITAS MUTARE - MISEREOR funded, ‘Community Food and Nutrition Security Health Promotion Programme (CFNSHPP).
The deadline for applications is midnight CAT 29 MARCH 2024.

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Location: Mutare
Company: Caritas Zimbabwe Mutare
Expiry Date: 2024-03-29 00:00:00