Evaluation Advert -FSL project May 2024

Job Description

Deadline: 19 April 2024
Package: The Organization offers a competitive package
Location of the organization -Harare

1.0 Brief about the Organization

A Women’s Rights Organization is seeking to recruit highly qualified evaluation consultant for the Final Project evaluation entitled “Saving lives and protecting human dignity through building rural women’s resilience to climate change for sustainable food security.” a ten-month project implemented by the organization from August 2023 to May 2024. The project aimed at saving lives and protecting human dignity by contributing towards household food security, increasing climate change awareness, and resilience building/coping innovations. The project goal is “Building Rural women’s Climate Resilience for sustainable food security.”

2.0. Summary of the Project.

The project activities were designed to reduce climate change shocks, improve responsiveness to climate induced disasters and building resilience through the introduction of diversified income sources; improved water storage and irrigation techniques to cope with uncertainty of rainfall; provision and distribution of agricultural inputs (drought resistant crop seeds) - sorghum, sugar beans, sunflower and maize). The Project also promoted traditional seed production, training on agro-ecology (climate smart agriculture) including post-harvest training and market linkages lobbying and advocacy training and Off farm business trainings including ISAL. Thus, the intervention provided women and young women with appropriate climate disaster information, distribution of seeds packs (traditional grains and biofortified seeds), support the establishment of two (3) low-cost irrigation schemes and supported participation of women in community decision-making and resource allocation to building their capacity to cope with and recover from climate shocks and stresses for them to be food secure.

2.1. Objectives of the Evaluation.
The evaluation will assess the relevance, efficiency, performance, management methods, protection and accountability mechanisms, success of the project, examining the impact, sustainability of results, including the contribution to capacity development and the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals and environmental rights for marginalized communities.

Duties and Responsibilities

2.1.2. The main objectives of this final evaluation are:
a) Assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact (to the extent possible), and sustainability of project design, objectives, and performance.
b) Organize and share experiences and lessons that may help improve the selection, design and implementation of future climate awareness, resilience options and lobbying and advocacy.
c) Understand how project achievements contribute to improved household income and food by women and their families.
d) Provide feedback, draw lessons, and identify good practices that can be replicated in future interventions and to inform decision-making processes to improve current and future projects, programs and policies.
3.0. Scope of the Evaluation.
● To assess the project’s implementation in Makoni, Chipinge, Gokwe South, Gutu, Gwanda and Shurugwi and Mwenezi in terms of its efficiency, effectiveness, appropriateness, relevance, impact, and sustainability.
● Assess the appropriateness of the design and choice of areas of response.
● Assess progress towards achieving the stated programme outcomes and outputs,
● Assess the impact of activities carried out under each of the project components.
● Assess the extent to which the project components have contributed to the achievement.
● Document challenges encountered and linking to what needs to be done, how and by who, to make the project more responsive and better aligned to national development priorities.
● Consider future potential synergies other than those being explored currently, for example, within the Environment, Natural Resources, Climate and Resilience and Governance and income generating projects.
● Identify operational issues and bottlenecks in the implementation of the programme, implementation modalities and frameworks, and advise on any required change in terms of outputs, implementing partners, and allocation of resources and make recommendations.

4.0. Methodology.
It is proposed that a combination of methodological approaches be used to ensure that the most appropriate methods will be applied throughout the exercise. These approaches include but are not limited to the following:
• Desk review of all the relevant documents including Activity reports, the various Project documents, field visits/monitoring reports, programme/project management meeting reports and other project and programme review meetings.
• Interviews with key informants and project participants.
• Analyses and synthesis of all relevant data and information and subsequent compilation of a detailed report addressing the full range of scope of work outlined above.
The evaluation team will be expected to clearly document and explain its justification for the choice of methodological approach (es) to be used in this process, including planned surveys and questionnaires. The team shall visit selected project sites at district level as needed, interviewing project stakeholders and visiting project activities.
The methodology and the work schedule prepared by the team shall be discussed and agreed with the project staff at the beginning of the mission before proceeding with the collection of data and interviews with the Project stakeholders. Debrief and presentation of findings to organization and project stakeholders and funding partners will be organized by organization.

Qualifications and Experience

5.0. Expertise and experience required:
The evaluation will be conducted by a consultant, who shall meet the following requirements and experience:
• BSc in Social sciences or master’s degree in food security and sustainable agriculture, Disaster Risk Management and or Environment/Climate Change Adaptation.
• 5 years of progressively working experience and proven analytical skills, especially in the areas of Food Security and Livelihoods, Climate change Disaster Risk Management and Reduction and / or adaptation to climate change/ resilience building.
• Experience in project monitoring, evaluation, and learning.

How to Apply

6.0. How to Apply
Submit an expression of interest to [email protected] with the following outline,
- Understanding of Scope of Work
- Proposed Methodology
- Share illustrative research tools including key guiding questionnaire.
- Capacity profile – CV and Reference to similar work
- Budget
7. Evaluation Deliverables:

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Location: Harare
Company: Women and Land in Zimbabwe
Expiry Date: 2024-04-19 00:00:00