Culinary Consultancy Services Required

Job Description

Culinary Consultancy Services Required
We are seeking a local culinary organization or individual to conduct trainings in Masvingo aspart of a creative and cultural empowerment project.

Duties and Responsibilities

The consultant/consulting firm will be responsible for training local chefs and food providers on using local ingredients to make unique healthy traditional food, establishing a culinary space and creating a local recipe book to drive local food innovation. We invite proposals from qualified chefs and/or culinary passionate about traditional food and innovative recipes that can help drive local tourism.

Qualifications and Experience

Commercial requirements:
- Tax clearance certificate
- Proposal budget

How to Apply

Interested bidders must submit Technical and Financial proposals, along with consulting team
resumes, by 26 July 2024, to [email protected] Please include 'Food Trainings' in the
subject line. All proposals should be addressed to the 'Admin Department'.
Late bids shall not be considered.

Local NGO logo

Location: Harare
Company: Local NGO
Expiry Date: 2024-07-26 00:00:00