Job Description

ActionAid Zimbabwe seeks to engage a Zimbabwe-based consultant to conduct a comprehensive end of phase evaluation for the Peoples Post Code Lottery (PPL) funded project entitled Towards Resilient Communities with Health, Equality, and Safety for all (TORCHES). The project is being implemented in partnership with Forum forAfrican Women Educationalists Zimbabwe (FAWEZI), Leonard Cheshire Disability Zimbabwe (LCDZ) and Family
Aids Caring Trust (FACT). The primary task of the consultant will be to gather end of phase data against relevant indicators in the project logical framework.

Duties and Responsibilities

The specific outputs for the consultancy will be:
• Inception report and workplan, including a sampling strategy, a data collection tools and analysis
• Training on tools and data collection methodology for enumerators
• Data analysis of the collected data (data sets should be available to ensure research rigour).
• The draft and final end of phase evaluation report of no more than 25 pages (excluding annexes) as a Word document, written in clear and concise English with minimal jargon. (Refer to the TOR for the contents of the Report)

Qualifications and Experience

Applications are welcome from either a single consultant or a small team of consultants. The consultant or team must have the following experience and skills:
• Degree in social sciences, development studies or equivalent.
• Demonstrable expertise on women’s rights and gender equality, with specific thematic expertise on
Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG),
• Geographical expertise in Zimbabwe and, ideally, in the project areas of Chitungwiza, Shamva and Nyanga.
• Experience in quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis methods.
• Experience in designing and conducting evaluations.
• Evidence of strong downward accountability mechanisms used with project stakeholders/research
participants to actively share results and learning.
• Evidence of use of ethical and safeguarding considerations.
• Evidence of successfully designing and managing large-scale, rigorous and robust research processes and evaluations.

How to Apply

Consultant/consulting teams are required to submit a detailed expression of interest (of not more than 10 pages)
based on the attached Terms of Reference, technical proposal for the evaluation study including proposed
methodology and activities schedule/work plan, with timeframe, consultant(s)’ cv(s), and financial proposal (separating consultant day rates and anticipated data collection costs), at least contacts of three referees who can vouch for the quality of your previous work. Completed bids must be sent by e-mail in PDF format to: [email protected] on or before 31 January 2024, at 1700hrs with heading TORCHES END OF PHASE EVALUATION CONSULTANT.
NB//Please note that applications which are incomplete will not be considered.
ActionAid is committed to recruiting consultant/consulting teams who are committed to ActionAid’s SHEA and Safeguarding policies and values, thereby helping to create safer working cultures.
NB: Please note that whilst all applicants will be assessed strictly on their individual merits, qualified women are especially encouraged to apply. Please further note that although we value all applications, we unfortunately can only respond to short-listed candidate.

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Location: Harare
Company: ActionAid Zimbabwe
Expiry Date: 2024-01-31 00:00:00