Consultant- Health Communications and Impact Documentation: Zimbabwe National Network of PLHIV (ZNNP+)

Job Description

Deadline: 08 July 2024

ZNNP+ is an umbrella body that represents the interests of people living with HIV in Zimbabwe in their diversity. The organization is represented in support groups and community-based organizations at all provincial, district and ward levels of Zimbabwe. ZNNP+’s mission is “An environment where people live positively.”

Duties and Responsibilities

Scope and Purpose Assignment
Facilitate training to enhance HIV communication. Enhance staff skills in optimizing reach and impact through innovative and relevant communications strategies. Enhance staff's media engagement strategies for wider local, reginal and international reach and impact. Capacitate staff member on internal communications, reporting protocols, and etiquette for positive interpersonal communications in the workplace and with stakeholders in HIV programming interventions. Capacitate staff on the current media reporting trends to promote specific HIV related behaviour including the use of services among large numbers of individuals. Facilitates recruitment and retention of new and existing membership (PLHIV and networks of PLHIV in all districts within the province. Facilitates implementation of projects in compliance with donor guidelines and procedures. Review, develop and finalize the organizational advocacy and communications strategy. Review, develop and finalize the organizational advocacy and communications policies. Capacitate staff in report writing. Capacitate staff in social behavioural change communications strategies and techniques. Capacitate staff in documentation of impact stories and significance of observing donor branding guidelines. Capacitate staff in video documentaries production and photography. Capacitate staff in advocacy and techniques for impact. Provide training on fundamentals of community PMTCT interventions, impact determination and documentation of stories

Qualifications and Experience

Qualifications and Experience
The consultant must prove to have done previous work related to the assignment; at least a master’s degree in public health or social science/ Equivalent and with significant experience in research design and evaluations; a minimum of 5 years’ experience in public health and experience working in Health, Communications and documentation of stories.

How to Apply

To apply
Step1: Follow the button below and complete the Application Form

Step 2: If you meet the above criteria send your proposal including budget, CV and three contactable referees to: The Human Resources, No 28 Divine Road, Milton Park, Harare or via email [email protected]

Click to Apply

ZNNP+ - Zimbabwe National Network of PLHIV logo

Location: Harare
Company: ZNNP+ - Zimbabwe National Network of PLHIV
Expiry Date: 2024-07-08 00:00:00