Consultancy to conduct a partner and legislative mapping on Ending Child Marriages Project Southern Africa Cluster on Ending Child Marriage (ECM) Campaign

Job Description

Type of Contract: Short-Term
Contract Period: 10 working days
Supervisor: Gender Justice Programme and Policy Manager
Location: Various depending on need of the assignment
Country; Zimbabwe

Duties and Responsibilities

Description of the Consultancy

The consultancy aims to address two areas: Conducting a partner mapping and commissioning a study on national laws and policies and how they align to the SADC Model Law on Ending Child Marriages. The consultancy work will involve partner mapping which will help OXFAM know which organisations are working in the scope of ECM, what activities they are undertaking, what level are they working on and how Oxfam can forge forces to amplify the voices and collaboration on ECM. In addition, the consultancy aims to inform OXFAM on the country laws and policies on ECM and understanding how these are aligned to the SADC ECM law. Furthermore, the research will help OXFAM to understand the gaps in policy vis-a-vis the SADC Model Law on ECM, challenges, and opportunities to prepare Oxfam, partners, and allies to develop a clear influencing plan in the second phase of the project.

Specifically, the consultancy will a conduct a comparative legal analysis approach which will entail a review of existing literature, reports, and data on child marriage, as well as relevant international conventions, treaties, and agreements including the SADC model law on ECM. Key stakeholders such as government agencies, NGOs, CSOs, community leaders, youth groups, and religious institutions, will be identified and engaged, and their roles, responsibilities, and activities in addressing child marriages will be mapped, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, and areas for collaboration. Existing legislation, policies, and initiatives related to child marriage at national, regional, and local levels will undergo analysis, focusing on legal frameworks, enforcement mechanisms, and gaps in protection. Drawing from successful interventions in other countries or regions, best practices and lessons learned will be identified and assessed for their applicability within the specific context.

2.0 Objectives of the Assignment
The Overall Objective of the consultancy is to conduct a partner and legislative mapping on Ending Child Marriages. The Specific Objectives of the assignment are as follows:
• Assess existing legislative and policy frameworks related to child marriage at the local, national, and regional, levels, including gaps, challenges, and opportunities for improvement.
• Identify and map potential partners, stakeholders, and key actors involved in initiatives aimed at ending child marriages, including governmental bodies, NGOs, civil society organizations, community-based organizations, private sector, and other relevant institutions.
• Provide actionable recommendations based on the findings to strengthen partnerships, collective advocacy efforts, and legislative frameworks aimed at ending child marriages.
3.0 Overall Method and Scope
The assignment will adopt a mixed method- combining quantitative and qualitative strategies in the study. The scope of the assessment includes a review of relevant documents related to ECM and key players involved in ECM. The consultant is expected to develop a stakeholder mapping tool for capturing stakeholder information including but not limited to organisation names and contact details, areas of focus related to ECM, geographical coverage, and organisation category. The consultant will compile a comprehensive report that includes a stakeholder analysis detailing identified stakeholders, activities being undertaken by stakeholders on ECM their strengths, areas of operations, opportunities for collaboration, and actionable engagement strategies. Additionally, the report will include a summary of the country’s legal framework on ECM and how they relate to the SADC Model Law on ECM, gaps and challenges in [country] legal framework, and recommendations for legal reforms and advocacy strategies.
4.0 Expected Outputs and Deliverables
Expected Outputs and Deliverables
By the end of the consultancy assignment, the Consultant will have delivered the following completed tasks:
1. Inception Report with a detailed plan outlining the methodology, timeline, and approach for conducting the partner and legislative mapping exercise, including a list of key stakeholders and data collection tools.
2. An interim report summarizing the initial findings, stakeholder engagements, and progress made towards achieving the objectives.
3. A comprehensive draft report presenting the findings, analysis, and recommendations for review and feedback from Oxfam.

4. Make a presentation of findings in a validation workshop -which maybe physical or online.

5.0 Safeguarding and Media Products
The consultant will be guided by the Oxfam Media and Communications Team on the communications requirements as adhered to by Oxfam, such as consent forms and guidance on photographs to use.

6.0 Responsibilities of Oxfam and Consortium Partners
Within its policies and practices, Oxfam’s primary responsibility is to help the consultants achieve the objectives of the TOR. Specifically, Oxfam will be responsible for:
• Providing an online training on Oxfam safeguarding and ethics to the Lead Consultant and Research Assistants.
• Arrange meetings with concerned parties in the target areas.
• Giving inputs to study design and tools.
• Monitoring, providing feedback and ensuring quality and effectiveness of the study.
• Giving inputs/feedback to draft and final reports.
• Releasing the budget as per the agreed budget disbursement schedule

Qualifications and Experience

Eligibility criteria
• Minimum of a Master’ degree in Law, Public Administration, Gender Studies, Political Science, or relevant social sciences. A PhD in relevant studies will be an added advantage.
• Demonstrated expertise in stakeholder mapping and legal/policy analysis on gender especially in the ECM sector.
• Demonstrated ability to network and collaborate with diverse stakeholders in [country]
• Demonstrated experience in conducting research, mapping exercises, and policy analysis related to child rights, gender equality, and/or social development, utilising a rights -based approach and intersectionality approach among other approaches.
• Familiarity with Southern Africa's context, particularly in the areas of child marriage and regional legal frameworks.
• Strong understanding of child marriage issues, legislative frameworks, and stakeholder dynamics at the national and international levels.
• Proven in-depth knowledge, expertise, and practical experience on EVAWG issues.
• Strong analytical and research skills.
• Excellent communication and report writing skills.
8.0 Work Schedule
Oxfam expects the consultant to finish the exercise in 10 working days from the day of signing the contract. Failure to adhere to timelines is a violation of a contract and may lead to sanctions as guided by Oxfam policy on contracts.

9.0 Supervision and Management
Oxfam will supervise the process. Specifically, the consultant will report to the MEAL Coordinator and the Program Policy Manager in Zimbabwe from Oxfam. The consultant will be expected to work closely with and interact on a continuous basis with Oxfam while undertaking the assignment.

How to Apply

10. Submission of Proposals
Consultants meeting the above criteria are invited to submit a proposal by email to [email protected] with the subject line: “Proposal for ECM Partner and Legislative Mapping”.
Proposals should be received no later than the 31 of May 2024.
The body of the proposal should be no longer than 15 pages and should include the following:
• A cover letter outlining relevant experience in reviewing similar projects and models, including experience reviewing ECM projects, as well as experience in the relevant geographies.
• An outline of the ECM Partner and Legislative Mapping, highlighting any additional proposed research questions, methodological approach, data analysis plan, potential technical and operational challenges, and strategies to ensure timely, high-quality deliverables.
• A list of key activities, linked to the proposed activities, within a scheduled timeframe.
• A staffing and management plan, including details of team composition and specific qualifications of key research staff.
• List of three (3) references who can attest to the team’s experience and expertise as it relates to this program (including daytime phone numbers and email contacts).
• CVs of the review team, outlining previous evaluation experience and accomplishments as it relates to demonstrating the skills and knowledge needed to fulfil the Terms of Reference.
• Preferred: Two (2) examples of large-scale reviews recently completed by the lead consultant(s).
• If possible, at least one should be relevant, or similar to, the subject of this assignment.

All correspondence for the consultancy should sent to
[email protected]

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Location: Harare
Company: Oxfam
Expiry Date: 2024-05-31 00:00:00