Consultancy Terms of Reference To Develop a Five Year Fundraising Strategy

Job Description

1.0 Background
SOS Children’s Villages in Zimbabwe is a member of SOS Children’s Villages International, the largest children’s rights organization worldwide with a presence in 137 countries. Since 1983, SOS Children’s Villages Zimbabwe has worked with vulnerable children without parental care or those that are at the risk of losing parental care. Through the SOS Care Promise we reinforce our commitment to quality care for every child in our programmes. The Care Promise follows a child-centered approach, which builds on existing initiatives that promote the quality of our work.
Currently SOS Children's Villages in Zimbabwe provides family like-care to over 400 children in its three villages. The organization also supports over 8,600 children in need in its rural programming areas in Zimbabwe (Bindura, Wedza and Bulawayo) through its Family Strengthening Programs, kindergartens and schools, all of which provide children and families in need with vital access to education and other essential services.
SOS Children’s Villages believes that achieving its mission requires a commitment to a range of approaches, which means directly addressing the immediate needs of vulnerable children and their families as well as working on preventing the root causes of family breakdown. Therefore, the organization prevents family separation in the community through family strengthening programmes that ensure that they are able to care for their children and prevent child abandonment. We are non-governmental and non-denominational; we respect all religions and cultures and we work with local communities and government to ensure the social development of the children of Zimbabwe. All the work we do is made possible through the generous support of sponsors and donors, institutional and corporate partners, and loyal friends worldwide.
Growth is a critical part of SOS Children’s Villages’ organizational strategy, and vital to the successfully delivery of our ambitions. The MA has developed a new Strategic Plan (SP) for 2023–2027. One of the most critical issues is how to mobilise sufficient and diversified funding to enable successful delivery of this Strategy. SOS Children’s Villages is now seeking for the services of an experienced consultant to focus on steering the development of a fundraising and resource mobilisation strategy for delivery of the Strategic Plan. This is in a continued bid to capacity built the organization, making it a strong and sustainable institution, to continue championing for its mandate; of supporting the needs of vulnerable children.
SOS Children’s Villages is therefore seeking to engage a consultant to support development of a comprehensive resources mobilization and fundraising strategy that is informed by past, current and future funding direction both locally and international and that is cognizant of organizational goals, mission, vision and the five federation strategic priorities.


2.0 Objective of the Fundraising Strategy
This consultancy will facilitate development of a short, medium and long- term comprehensive roadmap and strategy for SOS Children’s Villages to tap into diverse sources of funds at county, national and global levels to sustain its operations and programmatic works. The strategy is expected to focus beyond the traditional financing sources of grants, to include private sector opportunities, county governments partnerships, events, investments, digital fundraising, philanthropic partners, among others, through which funding shall be secured. The strategy is also required to establish the existing funding gaps and priorities, recommend avenues to sustainably address them.
The fundraising strategy will be informed by the SOS Children’s Villages five-year strategic plan (2023 – 2027) and the broader federation’s strategy 2030.

Duties and Responsibilities

3.0. Scope of work
1. Review the relevant strategic plans; work plans; project proposals and funding model to better understand the needs.
2. Interact with the SOS Children’s Villages staff, board, beneficiaries and other relevant stakeholders and partners to understand the vision, mission and focus areas of the organization;
3. Map the SOS Children’s Villages activities and obligations to identify funding gaps. Inception report outlining a) SOS Children’s Villages strengths and weaknesses in terms of its fundraising practice and track record and confirming the overview of funding ‘gaps’; b) confirming the next steps of the assignment (work plan and deliverables) c) table of content for the envisaged fundraising strategy
4. Conduct a comprehensive analysis of potential global and local donors and corporates to map the feasibility of securing multi-year and thematic funding
5. Mapping donor’s strategic areas of interest, priorities, funding windows, opportunities, requirements, guidelines and interest in funding key SOS Children’s Villages themes; – Conduct a rapid donor mapping for both traditional and non-traditional sources of funding (identifying emerging and untapped high potential donors and new emerging models of funding).
6. Establish other resources required to build SOS Children’s Villages’ capacity on fundraising; Anticipating fundraising trends and adaptation measures
7. Develop fundraising principles for SOS Children’s Villages, methods, strategies for the wide range of sources including bilateral, private sector, public funding, and foundations;
8. Recommend strategies to develop and maintain strategic partnerships and engagement with key donors and partners;
9. Develop fundraising guidelines
10. Hold stakeholder meeting(s) to validate the draft Strategic Plan; Present report to the Board and Management
11. Finalize five year fundraising strategic Plan

4.0 Deliverables
1. An elaborate fundraising/ resource mobilization and partnership strategy document that includes an overview of the current fundraising situation, a critical analysis of past fundraising experience, explores future opportunities and strategies as well as outline a time-bound action plan.
2. A map of donor interests, priorities, funding opportunities, typical funding amounts, samples of successful project applications, and points to clear actions that should be taken to mobilize funds and develop/maintain relationships with donors,
3. A clear guideline and set of tools on how to keep a strong and fruitful relationship with donors and key stakeholders.
4. A package of materials that tools/templates for use when responding to bids
5. A plan for building the capacity of key staff in mobilizing and leveraging resources and developing and maintaining partnerships at both the national, regional, and global levels.
6. A package (with tools) and /or plan for harnessing donor confidence/creating a positive reputation
7. Institutional fundraising guidelines

Qualifications and Experience

5.0 Period and duration of Consultancy
The consultancy is expected to be conducted over a maximum one (1) month period.

6.0 Expertise and Experience Required
The consultancy wishes to draw expertise with
• Advanced university degree in, Social Sciences, Communication, Journalism, Public Relations, Development studies, Planning, Business Administration, Marketing or a related field,
• Masters or PHD in relevant field an added advantage
• At least 10 years of progressively responsible and relevant professional work experience in fundraising, marketing, sponsorship, and Corporate Social Responsibility/ Investment (CSI),
• Good strategic visioning, critical and strategic thinking, and ability to develop strategic partnerships.
• Knowledgeable in the Humanitarian, Education, Gender and Livelihoods fields,
• Well-informed of the national and Southern Africa regional context with previous experiences working in different countries in the SADC region,
• Experience and track record of fundraising for a local NGO, a distinct advantage,
• Experienced in developing Resource Mobilization Strategies for NGOs is required

The estimated total cost of this assignment should cover both professional fees as well as any other costs to be incurred by the consultant.

How to Apply

7.0 Application process and timelines
Interested applicants are requested to submit their documents (technical & financial) proposals to [email protected] by 19th April 2024 and should be available to conduct the assignment immediately with submission of all project outputs by 31st May, 2024.

The proposal should include the following:
1. Table of Contents.
2. Your interpretation of the Terms of Reference.
3. Methodology and Workplan.
4. Your profile outlining qualifications, experience, and similar assignments you have done in the past.
5. Up to 2 recommendation letters from organizations which you have done similar work for in the past.
6. Resumes and contacts of key reviewers and referees.
7. Detailed budget - consultancy and all other related costs

SOS Children's Villages Zimbabwe logo

Location: Harare
Company: SOS Children's Villages Zimbabwe
Expiry Date: 2024-04-19 00:00:00