Consultancy Services – Project Documentary Production

Job Description

1. About ZHI
Zimbabwe Health Interventions (ZHI) is a local non-profit human development organization whose mission is to help the Government of Zimbabwe (GoZ) achieve its health-related goals, with a focus on contributing to HIV/AIDS epidemic control using comprehensive and sustainable human development approaches; conducting research that will guide/inform policy and development of innovative interventions for human development in Zimbabwe. ZHI is currently implementing the Re-Ignite, Innovate, Sustain and Empower (RISE) Project in 9 out of the 16 DREAMS districts across Mashonaland Central, Midlands, Bulawayo, and Matabeleland South provinces. The project is funded by USAID.

2. Background of Assignment
The DREAMS (Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-free, Mentored and Safe) partnership is an ambitious public-private partnership aimed at reducing rates of HIV among adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in the highest HIV burden countries. In Zimbabwe, through support from USAID, Zimbabwe Health Interventions (ZHI) together with FACT Zimbabwe are implementing the DREAMS Program in 16 districts across 6 provinces. The ZHI’s Re-Ignite, Innovate Sustain and Empower (RISE) program is implemented in Matabeleland South, Bulawayo, Midlands, and Mazowe, while FACT Zimbabwe’s Support, Maintain, Advocate, Reduce Risk and Transform (SMART) Project is in Manicaland and Masvingo.

The DREAMS program intends to showcase its work at the upcoming International AIDS Society (IAS) in Munich, Germany. To achieve this, the program seeks a consultant to document the project activities through a short video and pictures.

3. Objective of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to document the human impact stories from the two (2) DREAMS Programs, the DREAMS-RISE and the DREAMS-SMART programs in Matabeleland South, Manicaland and Masvingo. This assignment includes filming, editing and production of a short 5-minute overview/documentary video of the program beneficiaries, program components, and achievements; as well as capturing of a minimum of 50 high resolution pictures/images from which 5 powerful images will be used for Posters. The video and pictures should be of high-quality resolution, with the video having a voiceover and captions where possible.

Duties and Responsibilities

4. Scope of Work
The service provider is required to produce a short video told mainly from the perspective of ZHI-RISE and FACT Zimbabwe SMART program beneficiaries, with interviews and inputs from local communities, key stakeholders, and RISE program staff.
- The video should be produced in English, at the highest market quality standards, high definition, full color, with clean stylistic touches. The short video/documentary should be suitable for use on various multimedia platforms for information sharing with different audiences/stakeholders.
- The video production i.e. filming, editing, voicing/narration etc. should be done by the service provider
- The service provider will also produce high quality images from the program.

5. Consultant Responsibilities:
Under the supervision of the Program Communications team, the consultant will be responsible for the following:
• Production of the short video and images
• Ensure the highest broadcast quality of videography and photography.
• Ensure that all requests and instructions from the 2 programs pertaining to videography and video-editing requirements are fulfilled per agreed timelines.
• Ensure that correct video formats are used as requested by the programs.
• Ensure that video produced for use during the IAS (International AIDS Society) conference and social media follows the specifications required by the program.
• Work with the highest professional ethical standards and in keeping with DREAMS’ core messages.

6. Expected Deliverables:
1. Inception report outlining concept, methodology, and timeline including storyline in English and local language (Shona and Ndebele).
2. Draft video copy for review and input
3. A final 5-min video/documentary of high-quality resolution with English subtitles and voiceover as well as English captions as necessary.
4. A minimum of 50 High resolution full colour story telling project images in high quality resolution.

7. Methodology
The consultant must propose an appropriate methodology for the assignment in advance. The selected consultant/consulting firm will refine the methodology and prepare a broad storyline, content, and timeline in consultation with the ZHI and FACT DREAMS team within the first week of contract signing. The methodology can be further broken down into the following key steps: -
i. Preparatory work/pre-production: Desk review of the DREAMS program, good practice, and content and storyline development
ii. Production: Field visits to capture the video footage and voice bites collection and interviews with the target audience.
iii. Video editing, narration, and finalization: The consultant will closely work with the ZHI and FACT documentation teams to finalize the final outputs (video and photographs).

Qualifications and Experience

10. Consultant Qualifications, Experience and Competencies

• Ability to pick and develop a compelling international audience.
• Ability to film broadcast quality video and audio.
• Have Final Cut Pro/ Adobe editing skills (or other professional editing software).
• Have knowledge of converting video files from multiple formats.
• Have online video publishing and file transfer skills.
• Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
• Ability to work in a multicultural environment.
Required Experience and Education
• Previous experience working with the DREAMS Program is a distinctive advantage.
• Qualification in media communications, Journalism, Social Sciences, Humanities, Filming and Videography, or any other related field, a bachelor’s or a master’s degree in these fields are preferred.
• At least 8 years' experience in filming and video production within the development sector in Zimbabwe and/or region
• A proven track record of developing human impact stories and documentaries for the development sector.
• Experience documenting health programs.
• Submit products of work done for with NGOs in Zimbabwe/region
• Fluency in English, Ndebele, Shona, and knowledge or other local languages is an asset.

How to Apply

11. Application Procedure (Recommended Presentation of the Proposal):
Your proposal document must address all requirements detailed out in the Terms of Reference and include the following:

1. Proposal Cover letter - letter of interest, highlighting corporate profiles, years in business, significant work experience relevant to the assignment.

2. Technical proposal of not more than 5 pages, detailing the following:
a. Demonstrating clear understanding of the Terms of Reference
b. Capacity statement - ability to handle the assignment.
c. Clear description of the proposed methodologies, and work plan. The work plan should be as practical as possible given the duration of the assignment.
d. 3 contactable related to the execution of similar assignments from recent clients, preferably in the NGO sector
e. Submit sample / links of similar work done.

3. Financial Proposal – detailing the following:
a. Consultancy and any other related costs e.g. travel costs
b. Payment terms

9. Submission Instructions
Proposals are due no later than 23:59 PM on or before Friday, May 31, 2024 through e-mail to [email protected] with subject line clearly stated as “Consultant for Videography/ Photography Service DREAMS Program”.

To access the full Tender Document, please click on the link below.

Click to Apply

Zimbabwe Health Interventions (ZHI) logo

Location: Harare
Company: Zimbabwe Health Interventions (ZHI)
Expiry Date: 2024-05-31 00:00:00