Consultancy Services for conducting a Market assessment and value chain development for Nature Positive Food Systems in Nemakonde (Ward 7&18), Chimanimani, Manicaland, Zimbabwe: Year 2023 to 2025

Job Description

i. Plan of action containing the framework of proposed assignment, methods of analysis, and data
acquisition (including additional studies and surveys), a workplan and a timeline.
ii. Draft report to incorporate and reflect feedback from TSURO Trust
iii. Final report.
The Market Assessment and Value Chain Analysis report should include at least 5 Chapters:
• Executive summary
• Background and an Introduction
• Literature review, which will show the current studies contacted in the landscape, if there is any
• Methodology and documentation of the process
• Findings of market assessment (SWOT analysis, potential for growth and profitability for each of the livelihood’s sources identified). The presentation of the results should be in both Qualitative and
Quantitative form. This Chapter should include value chain findings (market players, rules, policies and regulations, supporting functions in addition to sourcing, production and marketing mechanisms.
The specific objective must be discussed as a stand-alone heading with its own results findings.
• Conclusion of market assessment and recommendations including opportunities and challenges for each value chain. Also include the generic limitations and challenges which are currently faced by the communities within the area of study.

Duties and Responsibilities

The overall objective of this assignment is to carry out a Value Chain Analysis and Market
Assessment of for non-timber forest products, small grains and other potential crops that might
be relevant in Nemakonde landscape. In particular, the Value Chain Analysis and Market
Assessment should shed light on the status and viability of existing and potential markets for nontimber forest products and determine which hold promise of product expansion, market viability,
value addition opportunities, quality improvement, and input availability to smallholder farmers.
The value chain assessment exercise should also characterise the value chains through mapping,
chain governance, gender consideration, upgrading and value chain finance. Analysing the
distribution of revenues value added among the value chains actors and aanalyse the contribution
of the value chain to Nemakonde household incomes.

Qualifications and Experience

Advanced (MSc) University degree in agricultural economics, agribusiness management, trade,
marketing or equivalent qualification,
A Post doctorate degree in Agricultural economics, majoring in Value chain and market assessment is
an added advantage.
Experience Include:
Minimum of 10 years of relevant experience in trade promotion, market and trade analysis; value
chain development and strategic marketing planning and development.
Experience in conducting market development and match-making work, including excellent
knowledge of market access and design requirements.
Skills and competencies:
Excellent writing, presentation and interpersonal skills; and excellent analytical skills and ability to
effectively communicate with stakeholders.
Fluency in English and Ndau languages and good computer skills (MS Word, Excel).
The team leader of the consultancy firm should be able to facilitate teams and encourage
collaborative teamwork, experience sharing, effective problem solving and conflict resolution;
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, drafting skills, both written and verbal.

How to Apply

The Proposals must be submitted no later than:
Date: 18/01/2024
Time: 1600hrs
Mrs. Roseline Mukonoweshuro
TSURO Trust, Stand 212 Ngangu, Private Bag 2029 Chimanimani, Zimbabwe
Email [email protected] Mobile: +263789352766
cc: Livelihoods Officer
1. Mr Johnston Ngezimana
Email: [email protected] Mobile: +263716982398
Also, copy Administration Team
1. Adeline Banhwa
Email: [email protected]
2. Joseph Chimwamurombe
Email: [email protected]

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Location: Chimanimani
Company: Tsuro Trust
Expiry Date: 2024-02-16 00:00:00