CONSULTANCY - ''Research on the effectiveness of community dialogues as a GBV prevention model” - MUSASA PROJECT

Job Description

About Musasa
Musasa is a women’s rights organization that was set up in 1988 to respond to violence against women and girls. The organization works to prevent and respond to Gender Based Violence (GBV), providing relief to survivors of GBV in Zimbabwe through a multidimensional approach that speaks to our four pillars of Musasa i.e Prevention, Response, Advocacy, and MEAL (Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Accountability). We implement programs which help to change attitudes, behavior and the general responsiveness of communities and community leadership to issues of violence against women and girls. Our services include a 24-hour toll free line, counselling, legal support and shelter services. Musasa also works to change harmful norms, traditions and beliefs that perpetuate violence and implements prevention interventions using methodologies such as SASA! and Gender Action Learning Systems (GALS). Musasa also has developed its own approaches through adapting community dialogues, community visioning as well as women and girls’ safe spaces.
Musasa is implementing the 'Enhancing Case Management, Safe and Confidential Reporting Of Gender Based Violence And Violence Against Children' program with support from UNICEF and hereby invites suitable research consultants to apply to undertake a research task.

Duties and Responsibilities

The research will be conducted in Mutare and Masvingo district. The specific objectives of the research is:
• To assess the effectiveness of community dialogues as a GBV prevention methodology
• To assess the impact of community dialogues on attitudes and behaviours related to GBV.
• To identify effective dialogue approaches and strategies
• To examine the role of community dialogues in promoting gender equality and empowerment.
• To investigate the extent to which community dialogues increase awareness and knowledge about GBV
• To provide evidence-based recommendations for scaling up community dialogues as a GBV prevention strategy

Research Methodology.
The consultant will be required to develop a clear methodology and procedure to carry out the task.
The Consultant is expected to employ both qualitative and quantitative methods to ensure inclusion of all the project actors/stakeholders in the process.
The decision on what type of methodology and selection of persons/groups to be interviewed or consulted will be the responsibility of the Consultant and is expected to fully justify the choice of the methods in the inception report and explain any limitations.
The selected Consultant is expected to take all necessary steps to ensure that the security and dignity of the respondents and the rest of the population participating in the research process is not compromised and that disruption to other on-going operations is minimized.
The duration of the assignment is within two calendar weeks although actual implementation plan could be discussed and greed by both parties. It is expected that the whole task should be finished within those 14 days from the starting date.

Qualifications and Experience

I. At least a Master’s or higher degree/qualifications in Development Studies or Social Sciences for the lead consultant.
II. At least 5 years’ experience of conducting GBV assessments, experience with GBV prevention interventions
III. Strong research and analysis skill.
IV. Sufficient knowledge and experience covering the key result areas of the project.
V. Ability to deliver on the tasks within given deadlines and against set targets.

How to Apply

Expression of Interest
Any person/firm interested in undertaking this task should send a cover letter via email requesting for the detailed Terms Of Reference.
Upon receiving the detailed Terms Of reference, the interested person/firm should then send a comprehensive expression of interest comprising:
1) Technical proposal: The technical proposal should briefly and clearly describe the following aspects: Understanding of the task, Technical aspect of the proposal, Methodology to be used, operational plan, and curriculum vitae (CV as an annex) of the person(s)to do the work and with contact details.
2) Financial proposal: The financial proposal/budget of the task should cover all the costs to be associated with the research, including logistical costs.
Interested candidates must submit their applications through the email: [email protected]
Deadline for submission of all application documents is the 31st of July 2024

Musasa Project logo

Location: Masvingo
Company: Musasa Project
Expiry Date: 2024-07-31 00:00:00