Consultancy for Gendered Analysis of the Zimbabwe New Monetary Policy

Job Description


Macroeconomic policy instruments and objectives remain gender-neutral and confined to the monetary economy which are designed to address the problems of unemployment, inflation, and economic stagnation. The involvement of women and their organisations in macro-economic policy formulation, execution, monitoring, and evaluation remains elusive in Zimbabwe. The resultant effect has been the persistent formulation of macro-economic policy that are not gender biased and perpetuate women and youth exclusion. The mainstream macro-economic policy focuses on markets and growth without consideration of women human rights issues such as health, education, and social protection. Economics assumes that policies affect women and men in the same way and yet research shows that macro-economic policies have a gender differentiated impact meaning that they can either worsen or improve the living standards of women, men, girls, and boys.

Under Statutory Instrument 60 of 2024, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) introduced a new monetary policy in 2024 and subsequently introduced the ZIG as the official currency. The structured currency was presumably introduced in response to a need to stabilise prices and the exchange rate and would be backed by foreign exchange reserves, precious metals and valuable minerals. However, there is limited understanding of the gendered impacts of these policies. This call therefore seeks to engage a qualified consultant to undertake a gender analysis of the Zimbabwe New Monetary Policy and the incorporation of the new currency.

Duties and Responsibilities

The main objectives of this consultancy are to:
• Analyse the impacts of the Zimbabwe New Monetary Policy, including access to financial services, inflation, and business operations for marginalized groups of women including women in the informal sector.
• Assess the impact of introducing the ZIG dollar on youth and women's participation in macroeconomic policy processes.
• Examine the new monetary policy framework and identify gender gaps, inequalities and opportunities to inform programming.
• Assess the new monetary policy and currency reforms and draw lessons and recommendations for policy adjustments and interventions that are equitable and inclusive for marginalized groups of women and youth.

Scope of Work
The consultancy will encompass the following activities:
• Conduct a desk review of relevant documents, including the new monetary policy pronouncements, RBZ reports, and existing research on gender and economic policy in Zimbabwe.
• Develop a methodology for gender analysis, employing a mix of quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques. This may include household surveys, focus group discussions, key informant interviews, and market analyses, disaggregated by gender.
• Conduct fieldwork to collect data on the differential impacts of the new monetary policy and RTGS dollar on women and men.
• Analyse the collected data to identify gender disparities and their root causes.
• Prepare a comprehensive report that includes:
1. Presentation of findings on the gendered impacts of the new monetary policy and introduction of the ZIG dollar.
2. Policy recommendations to address identified gender inequalities and promote inclusive economic growth
The consultant will deliver the following:
• Inception report and data collection tools
• A detailed report with comprehensive analysis, policy recommendations, and an action plan.
• An Issues papers.

Qualifications and Experience


The consultant will be selected based on the following criteria:
• At least a relevant qualification in Economics and or Gender Studies
• Demonstrated expertise in gender analysis and economic policy analysis.
• Proven experience in conducting research in Zimbabwe, particularly on gender issues.
• Excellent communication and writing skills.

How to Apply

Application deadline
A detailed CV(s) and expression of interest should be sent to [email protected] by 23 May 2024 1700 hrs together with the following Not more than 4 pages Expression of Interest and CV attached :
• Proposed Methodology
• Proposed work plan
• Proposed budget
• Examples of other similar work and their references.

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Location: Unknown
Company: Unknown
Expiry Date: 2024-05-23 00:00:00