Coal Processing Engineers *2

Job Description

We are looking for someone with knowledge in coal processing engineering.

Duties and Responsibilities

Job related

Qualifications and Experience

Relevant qualification and experience

How to Apply

Send combined Cvs and certificates to [email protected] no later than 1 December 2023.

VacancyHQ Expert Job Listing Tips

  1. CV Restructuring Tips

    • Exhibit Relevant Expertise: In my experience, always position your most relevant qualification and experience at the start of your CV. For example, your knowledge in coal processing engineering should take precedence.
    • Job Related Duties: Highlight your experience with job related duties in the 'work experience' section. Employers receive hundreds of CVs, yours should speak directly to what is required in the job listing.
    • Detailed Experience: Elaborate on how your past work involved coal processing engineering. Showing you have handled similar responsibilities can be a game changer.
    • Value Added Skills: Do not forget to mention transferable skills like team management, project planning etc. How you've contributed besides your role would make you appear as a dynamic candidate.
    • Certificates: Include relevant certifications. These provide concrete evidence of your skills and could make your CV more appealing.
  2. Crucial Areas to Take Note

    • Deadline: Deadlines are critical. The application date, in this case, 1st December 2023 must be adhered to.
    • Application Email: Make note of the correct email ([email protected]) to avoid missing opportunities.
    • Format: Combined CVs and Certificates indicate that all documents should be sent as one file. Disregarding this could show lack of attention to detail.
    • Relevant Qualification: The term 'relevant qualification' means the employer requires a specific skill-set. Recognize this requirement if you're seeking job vacancies in Zimbabwe.
    • Subtly Stated Requirements: What I have noticed overtime is that phrases like 'Job related' might be understated but are significant. They should guide the skills and experiences you highlight.
  3. Standing Out In a Flooded Candidate Pool

    • Tailored Applications: A one-size-fits-all approach could diminish your chances. Customizing your application specifically for this vacancy could make you a top choice among jobs in ZW.
    • Show Impact: Quantify your achievements wherever possible. For example, illustrate how your work improved efficiency or minimized cost. Real figures grab attention.
    • Follow Up: A polite follow-up email after a week could make you memorable. It shows your strong interest in the employment opportunities in Zimbabwe.
  4. Key Insights For Novice Applicants

    • Non-specification of Job related Duties: This sect requires you to understand the industry's needs. Your CV should reflect your understanding of the specific obligations in coal processing engineering.
    • Vague Qualifications and Experience: This phrase might seem challenging but it provides the flexibility to sell your unique skills. Look at it as an opportunity to stand out among other Zimbabwean jobs.
    • Application Process: The specific request to send combined CVs and certificates to a certain email suggests a preference for organized and tech-savvy candidates. Compliance to this is crucial.

Remember, in the world of job search in Zimbabwe or anywhere, you are marketing yourself, do not leave room for assumptions, guide employers to your strengths and achievements.


Location: Hwange
Expiry Date: 2023-12-01 00:00:00