Call for Supplier: MAshambanzou Care Trust

Job Description

About Mashambanzou Care Trust:
Mashambanzou Care Trust (MCT) is a registered Private Voluntary Organization (PVO) (WO9/90), based in Harare. The organization was founded in 1989 by Sister Noreen Nolan of the Little Company of Mary (LCM) Sisters, in response to the HIV pandemic amongst the poor communities. The focus was mainly on the dissemination of accurate information, care and support for people living with HIV (PLWHIV) and prevention of the spread of HIV. Home Based Care (HBC), Palliative Care and HIV prevention awareness campaigns were among some of the interventions carried out. At the time, neglect, stigma and discrimination were very rife and knowledge on HIV and AIDS management was very little. Hospitals were overwhelmed with critically ill patients who were then discharged home on Home Based Care to people who did not have the knowhow of managing the situation at home. Deaths rates were so high especially within the poor communities who could not afford quality and specialized care hence this motivated Sr Noreen Nolan who worked together with Sr Margaret McAllen to set up Mashambanzou Care Unit to address these challenges.

Experience has however, shown that success in fighting any epidemic and pandemic diseases needs to have a much broader focus that recognizes that life is an integration of various components, sometimes all acting together. Mashambanzou has therefore evolved to focus on the family and society as a means of mitigating the effects of the disease and innovatively created a Family Centred Support (FCS) model. The FCS model looks at the patient with a holistic approach of where and with whom they live, that is, “we can only successfully treat a patient if the environment they are coming from and discharged to is conductive to promote a peaceful state of mind”. The organisation also focuses on an integrated service delivery approach to alleviating challenges faced by communities thus leaving no one behind. MCT is very conscious of alignment and seamless fusion of its implementation methodologies to national, regional and international strategies in HIV and AIDS programming, child protection, SRHR and GBV programming among others.

The organisation focuses mainly on HIV and AIDS response that offers care to PLWHIV especially those in the later stages of the disease through the Mashambanzou Care Unit and its Family Centred Support (FCS) outreach teams. The organisation also recognises the approach of prevention as treatment to the pandemic of HIV. Thus, MCT is focusing on raising awareness on HIV and AIDS at all levels, raising awareness on co-infection of TB and HIV, raising awareness and promoting positive health seeking behaviour. The organisation is also realising other factors that act as enablers for the pandemic to continue expanding, thus MCT is therefore programming gender norms transformation and economic strengthening in the implementing communities. Through the mantra of leaving no one behind, MCT has also focused programming on key populations and these include Sex Workers, adolescent girls and boys, teen mothers and women. MCT further realises the need to build a stronger generation for tomorrow as a way of sustainably creating resilient communities and thus implements educational assistance projects to help alleviate poverty and afford an opportunity to quality education amongst OVCs who are affected and infected by HIV and AIDS.

Duties and Responsibilities

Invitation for Supplier Registration on the Mashambanzou Care Trust Suppliers’ Listing for the calendar year ending 31 December 2024. The call is open to all existing and prospective suppliers of the goods and services listed below:
• Medical supplies – drugs and consumables
• Medical equipment
• Hospital equipment
• Fruits & vegetables
• Groceries
• Butcheries
• Consultancy Services on: Organizational development/strategy development, capacity building, team building, business development
• Audio Visual Equipment (supply or hire P.A system, video camera)
• Road shows
• Photography & video filming
• Newsletter origination, design & printing
• General office stationery
• Printed stationery (requisition books, GRVs etc.)
• Computer hardware and software & repairs
• Computer networking & equipment
• Computers, printers & accessories/consumables
• Internet services & telecommunications
• PABX (supply & maintenance)
• Telephone handsets
• Office equipment and furniture (filing cabinets, desks chairs etc.)
• Solar systems installations, repairs & maintenance
• Generator servicing
• School desks and chairs
• Motor vehicles, servicing & panel beating
• Motor vehicles import & sales
• Tyres supply, fitment & balancing
• Alarm fitment & tracking
• Breakdown and towing services
• Fuel supplies
• Building contractors (plumbing, painting, roof/ceiling fixing, carpentry/ Office partitions)
• Electrical services and maintenance
• Gardening and landscaping
• Corporate wear & promotional material (branded t-shirts, caps, bags and branded stationery)
• Protective clothing (Work suits, hospital scrubs etc.)
• Hospital linen
• Security services
• Fire-fighting equipment
• Locksmith services
• Catering services (in-door and out-door)
• Pest control/Fumigation
• Conference facilities
• Transport hire & travel services
• Insurance services (motor vehicle and Property)
• Billboards, banners and signages

Qualifications and Experience

Certificate of Incorporation; VAT registration certificate; Valid Tax Clearance Certificate; Company Profile indicating physical, postal address and contact person; at least five (3) recent trade references indicating organization name, address, contact person name, position, email address.

How to Apply

To apply all documents must be submitted through email, clearly indicating on the subject the category and must be emailed to: [email protected] and copy [email protected]
Alternatively, hard copies of the documents can be dropped at the gate at Mashambanzou Care Trust number 40 Sandown Road, Waterfalls, Harare.
The deadline for submissions is 31 January 2024. No submission will be accepted after the due date and time. Please note, that this is purely an invitation to register as a supplier and does not constitute an agreement or commitment to do business with Mashambanzou Care Trust.

Mashambanzou Care Trust logo

Location: Harare
Company: Mashambanzou Care Trust
Expiry Date: 2024-01-31 00:00:00