Job Description

Theme: Energy Transition Minerals: “Putting Communities First for an Inclusive Feminist Future”

Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD), Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) & Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association (ZELA) are seeking expressions of interest to host half-day side sessions at the 12th Edition of #ZAMI24. The ZAMI will be held in Bulawayo at Holiday Inn from 28 -31 October 2024. The ZAMI is a premier annual multi- stakeholder engagement platform on natural resource governance that brings together over 300 delegates, constituting communities from resource-rich areas, civil society organizations (CSOs), faith-based organizations (FBOs), social movements, small-scale miners, academia, traditional chiefs, local government, community share ownership trusts, relevant government ministries, departments and agencies, business entities and media. In line with section 13 of the Constitution on national development, the #ZAMI's signature objective is to ensure that citizens are mobilized and empowered to actively participate in formulating and implementing policies that enable sustainable socio-economic development hinged on natural resource exploitation.

Duties and Responsibilities

Interested partners will contribute towards associated costs for hosting the side sessions on different packages outlined below:
Gold Package Including admin costs (USD4,900)

• Session included in the main program.
• 25 participants Accommodation (B/B) at Holiday Inn and Conferencing for 28 participants
• 3 x resource person’s honorarium.

Silver Package (Including admin costs) (USD4,003)
• Session included in the main program.
• Conferencing for 3 x staff members, Accommodation for 20 participants.
• Conferencing for 23 people

Bronze Package (Including admin costs) (USD2,008)

• Accommodation and for 10 people
• Conference for 18 key resource persons

Qualifications and Experience

see below

How to Apply

Expression of Interest Guidelines:
DEADLINE: 28 September 2024
Each expression of interest must contain the following information: Selected package.
• Half-page background description or scope of the proposed session agenda (abstract).
• Session objective(s).
• Session title and expected duration. Presenter/Facilitator/Panelists.

#ZAMI24 side session proposals must be submitted to:[email protected] cc: [email protected] cc: [email protected] no later than
28 September 2024 with the subject line clearly marked “Expression of Interest ZAMI 2024”.

Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association (ZELA) logo

Location: Bulawayo
Company: Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association (ZELA)
Expiry Date: 2024-09-28 00:00:00