Call for Expression of Interest - Development of Policy Recommendations for Addressing Land Corruption in Zimbabwe Project: Land and Corruption in Africa Phase II Project

Job Description

The Land and Corruption in Africa Phase II (2021-2025) project builds on the solid foundation of knowledge, networks and learnings acquired from the implementation of the previous Land and Corruption in Africa project (2015-2019). Under LCA II, TI-S and its chapters in Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe aim to ensure that corrupt practices in land administration and land deals are addressed contributing to improved livelihoods of men and women. Specifically, the project contributes to ensuring that 1) networks of women, men and youth in Africa are better equipped and mobilized to demand transparency and accountability in the land sector; 2) a diverse and inclusive set of stakeholders from civil society to private sector advance anti-corruption initiatives to promote fair and transparent land governance; and 3) national and local decision-makers adopt anti-corruption laws, policies and measures to prevent and redress corruption in land distribution, acquisition, dispute management and sanctions.
To guide advocacy efforts in the latter half of the project and identify concrete recommendations for national and local duty bearers to address gaps in land and anti-corruption frameworks for addressing land corruption, Transparency International Zimbabwe (TI Z) seeks the services of an experienced consultant to analyse the existing laws and policies for preventing, detecting, and addressing corruption in the land sector. The recommendations from the analysis are aimed at facilitating national and local duty bearers to close existing gaps that enable land corruption as well as to establish strong anti-corruption measures in the land sector. Given ever-changing contexts in the country, it is critical to develop and/or update policy proposals and bring them in line with the prevailing national dynamics in as far as land corruption is concerned.
It is against this background that TI Z seeks the services of a consultant to support the development of policy recommendations for tackling land corruption in Zimbabwe.

The overall objective of the assignment is to develop concrete policy recommendations for enhancing higher transparency and accountability in the governance of land, and effectively tackling land corruption in Zimbabwe. Specifically, the assignment seeks to:

1. Analyse the adequacy of the existing legal and policy framework for detecting, preventing, and addressing corruption in the land sector in Zimbabwe.
2. Identify the existing gaps in the country’s legal and policy framework, as well as its levels of implementation/ enforcement, for dealing with land corruption; and
3. Based on the analysis, propose recommendations to the relevant Ministries, Departments and Agencies as well other organs of the State in the land sector for detecting, preventing, and addressing land corruption.
The recommendations will be used by TI Z to advocate for a more transparent and accountable land governance in the country. The policy recommendations will be disseminated to various national and regional actors and may be published on the TI Z’s website.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Consultant is expected to deliver:

1. An inception report outlining the agreed scope, methodology, tools, and timeframe.
2. A draft policy paper for review and comments by the TI Z and TI-Secretariat
3. A validation meeting with key stakeholders to discuss findings and feedback.
4. A final policy paper of 2-4 pages (excluding cover page and Endnotes).

The final policy paper should be submitted in English, in electronic form, in accordance with the deadlines agreed upon. The Consultant is responsible for editing and quality control of language. TI Z and TI Secretariat retain the sole rights with respect to all distribution, dissemination, and publication of the deliverables.

The tentative timelines are set out below, to be discussed at the beginning of the assignment:

a) Beginning of the assignment by 2 May 2024
b) Draft policy paper by 10 May 2024
c) Validation meeting by 16 May 2024
d) Final paper with feedback incorporated by 22 May 2024

Qualifications and Experience

The Consultant should have the following qualifications:

a) University degree and post-graduate qualifications in social sciences, law, public policy, or related field from a reputable institution
b) At least 5 years of proven relevant professional experience in legal and policy analysis or related fields
c) Knowledge and experience of working for policy and/ or advocacy-oriented organisations.
d) Knowledge of land governance and anti-corruption issues in Zimbabwe.
e) Excellent written and spoken English.
f) Highly motivated and committed to the values of transparency and integrity.

How to Apply

Interested consultants can submit their expression of interest with workplan and financial proposals to [email protected]

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Location: Harare
Company: Transparency International Zim
Expiry Date: 2024-04-28 00:00:00