Call for Consultant: Development of an Animation on how to administer scorecards

Job Description

The Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe (VMCZ), as part of the Partnership for Social Accountability (PSA) Alliance Project, is seeking a skilled and innovative animation studio or professional to develop a comprehensive and visually engaging educational/course animation that will provide a step-by-step guide on how to effectively administer scorecards as part of social accountability initiatives. This animation will serve as an educational tool for community members and civil society organisations, aiming to simplify the process and enhance understanding of how scorecards can be used to evaluate and improve service delivery in sectors such as health and agriculture.

The PSA project aims to enhance social accountability by empowering citizens to hold duty-bearers responsible for delivering essential services in sectors of health and agriculture. Social accountability reporting plays a vital role in this process, amplifying community voices and ensuring the transparent and responsible management of public resources. Scorecards are a participatory tool that allows citizens to assess and provide feedback on public services, helping hold duty-bearers accountable for their performance. This animation will be an essential resource in training workshops and online platforms, guiding users through the process of administering and utilising scorecards to ensure that public resources are managed transparently and services are delivered effectively.

Duties and Responsibilities

Key Objectives
The animation should visually explain the following core areas:

1. What is a scorecard?
• Introduction to the concept of scorecards and their role in social accountability.
• Overview of different types of scorecards

2. Steps to administer a scorecard
• Preparations: How to gather relevant stakeholders and prepare for scorecard administration.
• Data Collection: Engaging communities in evaluating service delivery using the scorecard.
• Facilitation: Best practices for facilitating discussions and ensuring active participation.
• Scoring and Reporting: How to accurately score services and compile the results into a report.

3. Using scorecard results
• Analysing findings and identifying areas for improvement.
• Engaging with public officials and service providers to address gaps highlighted by the scorecards.
• Monitoring progress and ensuring follow-up actions are taken based on the scorecard results.

Scope of Work
• The animation should be 5-7 minutes long.
• The format should be 2D or 3D, providing a concise yet thorough explanation of the scorecard process.
• A professional English voiceover is required with subtitles. Options of Shona, Ndebele & Tonga languages will be added advantage.
• Incorporate feedback from VMCZ and key stakeholders during the development process.
• Deliver the final product in formats suitable for distribution on various platforms, including social media, websites, and presentations

• Storyboard and Script: Submit a detailed storyboard and script for review and approval before moving into production.
• Final Animation Video: The finished product should be delivered in MP4 format (or other advanced formats), compatible with online learning platforms and training sessions.
• Source Files: Editable source files should also be provided for future updates or modifications.

Qualifications and Experience

• Ability to design and develop computer programs
• A proven track record in producing high-quality educational animations.
• Strong portfolio showcasing the ability to simplify complex processes through engaging visuals.
• Familiarity with participatory governance tools such as scorecards is a plus.
• Experience in working with civil society organizations or development agencies is desirable.

How to Apply

The consultancy is expected to last approximately two weeks.

Application Process
Interested consultants are invited to submit a completed Proposal using the provided form by 6 November 2024. Download the form on

Selection Process
The selection will be based on the consultant’s qualifications, experience, and proposed methodology.

Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe (VMCZ) logo

Location: Harare
Company: Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe (VMCZ)
Expiry Date: 2024-11-06 00:00:00