Call for Consultancy. Legal Environment Analysis and Policy Briefs on Age of Consent to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for Adolescents and Young People in East and Southern Africa

Job Description

Youth Advocates is a youth-led organization working to advance youth rights and amplify their voices where it matters. With a mission of empowering adolescents and young people through knowledge and skills transfer, Youth Advocates continues building on extensive experience leading youth driven projects within the development field, ideally pioneering innovative technology in youth-centered programs partnering with the local communities. With projects being implemented across East and Southern Africa (Zambia, Malawi, Kenya, Botswana, and Zimbabwe), Youth Advocates comprehensively addresses the complex behavioural, social, and structural drivers of risk tolerance among young people through combining technology, nationwide multimedia campaign with systems strengthening, community-level outreach, and clinical and psycho-social services. Youth Advocates’ rights-based approach involves increasing access to quality youth friendly services and providing comprehensive gender-sensitive, sexuality education, promoting and preserving human dignity. It uses technology and grassroots initiatives to empower children and youth, claiming respect for fundamental freedoms and rights, improved conditions for young people and their communities, and opportunities to learn, work and participate in decisions that affect them.
East and Southern Africa is home to two-thirds of all Adolescents and Young People Living with HIV (aged 15-24), with an estimated 430,000 young people acquiring HIV every year1. 82% of the 2 million young people living with HIV aged 10-19 are in Southern Africa, meaning that the scale and burden of the challenges outlined above are greater for individuals, families, communities and governments in this region. Research conducted in many parts of the world shows that several legal and human rights barriers hinder access to and uptake of HIV services for adolescents. Key among these barriers are Age of Consent legislation and policies. Recent global guidelines have, therefore, explicitly called on countries to examine their current policies and consider revising them to address age-related barriers to access and uptake of the overall SRH services, HIV Counselling and Testing (HCT) and to linkages to prevention, treatment, and care.
The ESA region has made significant progress in developing policy frameworks to address the SRHR needs of adolescents and youth. These policy frameworks recognize the importance of promoting adolescent and youth friendly SRHR services, comprehensive sexuality education, and addressing the social determinants that affect young people's health and well-being.
With funding support from HIVOS SHRH Fund, Youth Advocates is implementing the Step Up 4 Adolescents SRHR Access: "Collaborating for equitable SRHR in East and Southern Africa.” The project intends to elevate the national age of access campaign from the national to the regional level to address inconsistent policy implementation within the East and Southern Africa region. These inconsistencies often result in poor SRHR outcomes for adolescents and young people.

Duties and Responsibilities

The main objectives of this legal environment analysis are:

• To conduct a desk review of the existing legal and policy frameworks related to the age of SRH access in East and Southern Africa.
• To identify gaps, inconsistencies, and barriers within the legal framework that hinder access to SRHR services for adolescents and young people.
• To analyse the implementation and adoption of existing laws and policies related to SRHR.
• To provide legal and policy reform recommendations to improve access to SRHR for adolescents
and young people.
The consultant(s) will be responsible for:
• Building on existing work around the age of consent to access SRH services, in consultation with national and regional (SADC and EAC) stakeholders conduct legal, policy, and practice analysis related to the age of consent to access SRH services in Kenya, Malawi, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe
• Develop a comprehensive report outlining the findings of the legal environment analysis and providing evidence-based recommendations for advocacy and action.
• Develop country-specific and regional Policy briefs on the status of SRH Access for adolescents and young people.
• Develop a campaign for advocacy and influencing.
The consultant(s) will deliver the following:
• An inception report outlining the methodology, work plan, and data collection tools.
• Country-specific policy briefs, including a well-detailed summarised regional (EAC and SADC) brief on the age of access to SRHR
• A regional and national campaign on the age of access to SRH services
• A final report incorporating feedback received during the review process and providing a detailed analysis of the legal environment for SRHR in East and Southern Africa, along with actionable recommendations for stakeholders.

Qualifications and Experience

The consultancy is expected to be completed within 2 weeks from the date of contract signing.
6. Qualifications:
The consultant(s) should possess the following qualifications:
• Advanced degree in law, public health, human rights, communications or a related field.
• Demonstrated expertise in legal research, policy analysis, and human rights-based approaches to SRHR.
• Experience working on issues related to adolescents and young people's SRHR in East and Southern Africa.
• Strong analytical and writing skills, with a record of producing high-quality reports and policy briefs.
• Ability to work independently and collaboratively with diverse stakeholders.

How to Apply

Interested consultants or consulting firms should submit their CVs, Cover letter and both Narrative and Financial Proposal outlining their relevant experience and approach to the assignment, and examples of previous work related to SRHR and legal analysis.
For inquiries and application submissions, please contact [email protected] . Please highlight the email subject Consultancy for Legal Environment Analysis-Step up 4 Access.
The deadline for submitting applications is 28 May 2024 12 noon

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Location: Harare
Company: Youth Advocates Zimbabwe
Expiry Date: 2024-05-28 00:00:00