A young organization has received a grant to implement food aid/school feeding/small grains support project which is also supporting community gardens. We are looking for an experienced consultant to design a baseline study based on the project design and expected deliverables. The project will be implemented in 3 districts of Masvingo Province. The Consultant/Consultant firm will work closely with and be supported by the Project team in successfully executing this task. The survey will provide a benchmark from which to measure progress of the (24 months) project through an in-depth situation analysis and needs assessment in the target districts. This survey will provide the current status of the indicators in the results framework and facilitate monitoring of progress towards meeting project objectives.
The consultant will carry out the following :
a) Produce an inception report which includes a detailed methodology, including sample size, sampling plan, data collection tools, plan for field work, and data analysis;
b) Conduct consultations with key stakeholders and intended beneficiaries in the targeted districts and wards to gather baseline information on project indicators including gender specific barriers regarding food security and climate change mitigation;
c) Prepare a short presentation with initial findings, preliminary conclusions and recommendations;
d) Produce a draft baseline assessment report providing recommendations to be shared with the organization for review;
e) Prepare the final baseline assessment report and make specific recommendations on the existing logical framework, plan and project indicators for gender sensitive monitoring and evaluation. Annexes should include the terms of references (TORs), inception report, program baseline indicators with baseline values from the baseline survey, list of documents reviewed, list of persons interviewed or consulted and data collection instruments;
f) Prepare a PowerPoint presentation and two-page baseline Brief to facilitate sharing of the key findings, conclusions and recommendations.
a) The Lead Consultant must have at least a Masters degree in social sciences, statistics, agriculture, natural resources management, climate change, or related fields.
b) The Consultant/Consultant Firm must have a mix of skills relevant to the assignment relating to analytical capacity, relevant gender analysis (especially collection and analysis of disaggregated data in the areas of food security, livelihoods and resilience to climate change) and adequate reporting
Additional Experience
The Team Leader must have conducted surveys of similar nature in the past and must have demonstrated experience with research and participatory methods.
• Strong capacity and experience in planning and organizing survey logistics
• Strong capacity and knowledge in data management and statistics including use of any of the following statistical software: Stata and Statistical Packages for Social Sciences
c) Strong writing and analytical skills
d) Demonstrated ability to work in a multi-cultural environment and ability to establish good and effective relationships with district/provincial stakeholders.
e) Have relevant experience in working with governments and/or national organizations on consultancy assignments, especially in Monitoring and Evaluation, and gender equality.
g) Have excellent proven written, spoken English and communication skills.
Interested applicant are to send through their financial and technical proposals to the following email address by the 4th of December:
[email protected]
IDS will never solicit for money at any stage of the application process. Consultants will bear their own costs in coming up with their consultancy bids. Selection may include oral interviews if the organization deems it necessary. Selection will also be on the exclusive basis of the strength of technical application and whether or not the proposed budget is in line with allocated funds under the project.
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Location: Harare
Company: Innovative Development Solutions
Expiry Date: 2023-12-06 00:00:00