Accounts Clerk

Job Description

The position exists to assist accounting officials and senior management in recording, reporting and managing company's finances. The incumbent is also expected to provide administrative support to suggest ways for improving the overall accounting process of the organisation at large.

Duties and Responsibilities

Cash and bank reconciliations
Able to do monthly and weekly reporting
Data entry and reconciliation of entries in the accounting system
Maintains and update accurate records
Maintain general ledgers and asset register
Knowledge of stock control
Knowledge of Pastel , Quickbooks

Qualifications and Experience

Bachelors degree in Accounting / Equivalent
Minimum 2 years experience
Proficient in MS Word & Excel
Experience and Knowledge in in statutory calculations (VAT,PAYE,NEC,NSSA,ZIMDEF etc)

How to Apply

Send CV's to [email protected]

VacancyHQ Expert Job Listing Tips

  1. Applicant Tips:

    • Understand the Role: This listing outlines a mix of tasks from high-level financial management to basic data entry. Restructure your CV to showcase your experience in these areas and demonstrate your versatility.
    • Experience with Accounting Softwares: Highlight your knowledge of Pastel, Quickbooks, and other relevant software, underlining any certification or relevant training you might have.
    • Statutory Calculations: Ensure your CV outlines your experience with statutory calculations like VAT, PAYE, NEC, NSSA, ZIMDEF, etc. with examples of implementations from past roles.
    • Cost Accounting Knowledge: Use your job experience area in your CV to highlight your knowledge and experience in cost accounting and stock control.
    • Demonstrate Administrative Support Skills: Underscore how you have worked to improve the accounting process of previously worked organizations.
  2. Important Listing Elements:

    • Application Process: CVs are to be sent to [email protected]. Since the application deadline was not mentioned, do it promptly.
    • Accounting Degree Requirement: In order to apply, you need at least a Bachelor's degree in Accounting. If your degree is related but not quite an exact match (like Finance), draw emphasis to relevant courses or work experiences.
    • Minimum Experience: You should have at least two years of experience, though, in my experience, some flexibility can be allowed. If you do not fully meet the requirement, consider highlighting related internship or powerful project experience.
    • Proficiency in MS Word and Excel: Don't scratch over the surface in mentioning Microsoft proficiency. Exhibit your skill level in these areas.
    • Statutory Calculations: If you are not familiar with VAT, PAYE, NEC, NSSA, ZIMDEF etc, research and learn these specific calculations. Even a basic understanding may still make you eligible for the position.
  3. For Standing Out:

    • Accomplishments in Previous Roles: Highlight major accomplishments, showing how you improved processes, saved money, or won praise for your work.
    • Detail Reconciliation Capabilities: Emphasize your skills in resolving financial discrepancies and your experience in the forensic aspect of accounting.
    • References from Co-workers or Supervisors: Consider including brief, relevant testimonies or commendations about your reliability, work ethic or financial acumen.
  4. From the Hiring Perspective:

    • Relevance of Previous Experience: What I have noticed over time is that applicants generally list their experience without aligning it directly to the requirements of the new job. Making your experience relatable will make you stand out.
    • Demonstration of Improvement Initiative: Few applicants take note of the requirement to suggest ways for improving the accounting process. Candidates who can show past involvement in process improvement may gain an edge.
    • Software Knowledge: Recruiters will likely put weight on your knowledge of accounting software like Pastel and Quickbooks.

Remember, the job search in Zimbabwe or anywhere can be a daunting challenge. But by paying close attention to the job description and tailoring your application to match, you increase your chances of landing these Zimbabwean jobs. Best of luck as you journey through these vacancies in Zim and explore the diversity of employment opportunities in Zimbabwe.

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Location: Harare
Company: Power Electricals Pvt Ltd
Expiry Date: 2023-12-04 00:00:00