2024 Internship Program

Job Description

Are you currently pursuing a degree and eager to gain practical experience in the banking sector?

If so, seize this opportunity to become part of the dynamic team at Nedbank through our 12-month internship program.

Duties and Responsibilities

Job Related

Qualifications and Experience

Relevant Qualifications

How to Apply

Send your cover letter and resume to:
[email protected]
by the 27th of November 2023

VacancyHQ Expert Job Listing Tips

Tips for a Successful Application:

  1. Attune your CV: In my experience, tailoring your CV to match the requirements of this job in the banking sector* will give you an edge. Highlight experiences and skills that align with banking, even if they were garnered outside of it.

  2. Showcase your course: It's clear that Nedbank is looking for current students eager for practical experience. Be sure to emphasize any relevant coursework or academic projects in your application.

  3. Professionalism in Communication: How to apply suggests a formal method of application submission. Adhere strictly to it and maintain a professional tone in your email and cover letter.

  4. Clarity on Qualifications: Maintain clarity about your 'Relevant Qualifications.' Specify how they match the requirements of the job and make a stronger case for your candidacy.

  5. Timeline Adherence: Take greater note of the application deadline - the 27th of November 2023. Submitting your application ahead of this deadline demonstrates your keenness and good time management skills.

Standing Out in a Flooded Pool:

  1. Unique Selling Proposition: What I have noticed overtime is that applicants who set themselves apart by sharing unique experiences, skills or traits that are relevant to the job role typically stand out.

  2. Evidence of Self-Motivation: Nedbank seeks eagerness, hence, showcasing instances of self-driven initiatives pertinent to the banking sector can set you apart.

  3. Domain-specific Knowledge: Highlighting knowledge about the dynamics of the banking sector in Zimbabwe can demonstrate your preparedness and passion for the role.

For Novice Applicants:

  1. Words Mean More: Novice applicants often overlook the importance of the implicit language in job listings. In the phrase 'eager to gain practical experience,' Nedbank implies it seeks proactive candidates who are eager to learn.

  2. Qualifications are Key: Sometimes applicants misunderstand 'Relevant Qualifications.' It doesn't mean only formal qualifications, but also relevant competencies and skills you possess that match the job role.

  3. Importance of Deadlines: New applicants may fail to understand the importance of strict adherence to deadlines. Sending in applications ahead of the deadline demonstrates respect for time, which is important in a dynamic sector like banking.

Overall, remember that job listings, whether they're job offers in Zimbabwe or vacancies in Zim, are more than just notifications. They're the first interaction point with potential employers, and by understanding their implicit language, you can improve your chances in your job search in Zimbabwe.

Nedbank logo

Location: Harare
Company: Nedbank
Expiry Date: 2023-11-27 00:00:00